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"When you see any document, any address, any letter, any instruction that
is issued by the Council of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the
Twelve, it should be recognized for what it surely is — the mind and the
will of the Lord to his people in this day." — L. Aldin Porter, "The
of Heaven," Ensign, November 1994, p. 65
"Some of the General Authorities [the Apostles] have had assigned to them
a special calling; they possess a special gift; they are sustained as
prophets, seers, and revelators, which gives them a special spiritual
endowment in connection with their teaching of the people. They have the
right, the power, and authority to declare the mind and will of God to his
people, subject to the over-all power and authority of the President of
the Church." — J. Reuben Clark, Jr., "Follow the Living Prophets," p.
"The Twelve bridge the line of authority from one administration to
another and keep the line unbroken." — Boyd K. Packer, "The
of Faith," Ensign, May 1995, p. 7
"The governance of the Church and the exercise of the prophetic gifts will
always be vested in those apostolic authorities who hold and exercise all
of the keys of the priesthood." — Howard W. Hunter, "Exceeding
And Precious Promises," Ensign, November 1994
"I bear witness to you that those who hold the apostolic calling may, and
do, know of the reality of the mission of the Lord. To know is to be born
and quickened in the inner man." — Harold B. Lee, "Stand Ye In Holy
Places," p.65
"The great need in the world today is not for the Lord to send a prophet
to reveal his mind and will. He has done that; we have a prophet; we are
guided by many men who have the spirit of inspiration. The great need
today is for men to have a listening ear and to give heed to the words
that fall from the lips of those who wear the prophetic mantle." - Bruce
R. McConkie, "God
His Prophets and His People," Ensign, May 1974, p. 73
"The fact that we have apostles and prophets and that we have the
opportunity to sustain apostles and prophets allows us to do those things
which will reach into eternity and will guarantee us our eternal
salvation, and will guarantee to any man who will listen and who will
humble himself before the Lord the opportunity to receive those ordinances
and blessings which will allow him entrance into the kingdom of God." -
Loren C. Dunn, "We
Called of God," Ensign, July 1972, p. 44
"Do we fully appreciate what a wondrous blessing it is to each one of us
that we have found our prophet? The ways in which our lives have been
enriched by listening to our prophet's voice are numerous. We have a
clearer picture of who we are and what we mean to our Father in Heaven. We
have received commandments and counsel to guide us, reminders to keep us
on the straight and narrow, and encouraging words to spur us on when we
become disheartened or discouraged. If we listen to the voices of the
world, we will be misled. But if we listen to the voice of the Lord
through His living prophet and follow his counsel, we will never go
astray." - Virginia U. Jensen, "Come,
Listen to a Prophet's Voice," Ensign, Nov. 1998, p. 13
"Great temporal and spiritual strength flows from following those who have
the keys of the kingdom of God in our time. Personal strength and power
result from obedience to eternal principles taught by the living legates
of the Lord. May the Spirit of God rest upon us as we follow the living oracles."
- James E. Faust, "The
Keys That Never Rust," Ensign, Nov. 1994, 74
"To stay on the right track, we must honor and sustain those who hold the
presiding priesthood keys. We are reminded that many are 'called, but few
are chosen.' (D&C
121:34.) When are we chosen? We are chosen by the Lord only when we
have done our best to move this holy work forward through our consecrated
efforts and talents. Our efforts must always be guided by the righteous
principles set forth by the Lord in the 121st section of the Doctrine and
Covenants..." - James E. Faust, "I
Believe I Can, I Knew I Could," Ensign (CR), November 2002, p.49
"It is an important duty resting upon the Saints who vote to sustain the
authorities of the Church, to do so not only by the lifting of the hand,
the mere form, but in deed and in truth. There never should be a day pass
but all the people composing the Church should lift up their voices in
prayer to the Lord to sustain His servants who are placed to preside over
them.... These men should have the faith of the people to sustain them in
the discharge of their duties, in order that they may be strong in the
Lord." - "Teachings
Of Presidents Of The Church: Joseph F. Smith," p.210
"In summary, the Lord has a pattern of sharing divine truth with prophets
to guide and bless us through the challenges and evils of life: hear and
heed. Our personal spiritual foundation needs to be built upon this
pattern if we want to enjoy the blessings of the Lord. So it is not enough
to search the scriptures to know the mind of the Lord. It must be followed
by an act of faith, accepting to do the will of the Lord by obeying His
commandments, before we can enjoy the blessings of the Lord. A personal
spiritual confirmation of this process by asking and believing that we
will receive becomes, then, the prayer of our lifetime." - Charles Didier,
Search for Divine Truth," Ensign (CR), November 2005
"Isn't a prophet someone who teaches us to open doors we could not open
ourselves—doors to greater light and truth? Isn't a prophet like a pair of
hands clasped together in front of the body of the Church, helping members
navigate through the dark corridors of the world? Isn't a prophet someone
who watches and waits for us patiently while we get to where we need to
"Never has there been a time when the written and spoken word can descend
upon us from so many different sources. Through the media we find analysts
analyzing the analysts, almost overwhelming us with opinions and different
"What a comfort it is to know that the Lord keeps a channel of
communication open to His children through the prophet. What a blessing it
is to know we have a voice we can trust to declare the will of the Lord.
As the prophet Amos taught, 'Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he
revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets' (Amos
3:7)." - L. Tom Perry, "Heed
the Prophet's Voice," Ensign (CR), November 1994, p.17
"Through the ages, God's messages to his children generally have been
revealed through prophets. Amos tells us, 'Surely the Lord God will do
nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.' (Amos
3:7.) These are the prophetic oracles who have tuned in over the
centuries to the 'celestial transmitting station,' with a responsibility
to relay the Lord's word to others. The principal qualifications of a
prophet in any age are not wealth, title, position, physical stature,
scholarship, or intellectual attainment. The two qualifications are that a
prophet must be called as such by God, by open prophecy, and ordained by
one known to have legal and spiritual authority, and he must receive and
declare revelation from God. (See D&C
42:11.) No man knows the ways of God except they be revealed unto
him. (See Jacob 4:8.)"
- James E. Faust, "Continuous
Revelation," Ensign (CR), November 1989, p.8
"It is no small thing, my brothers and sisters, to have a prophet of God
in our midst. Great and wonderful are the blessings that come into our
lives as we listen to the word of the Lord given to us through him. At the
same time, knowing that President Gordon B. Hinckley is God's prophet also
endows us with responsibility. When we hear the counsel of the Lord
expressed through the words of the President of the Church, our response
should be positive and prompt. History has shown that there is safety,
peace, prosperity, and happiness in responding to prophetic counsel as did
Nephi of old: 'I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded'
(1 Ne. 3:7)." - M.
Russell Ballard, "His
Word Ye Shall Receive," Ensign (CR), May 2001, p.65
"My brethren and sisters, I believe in this work. I believe in the Prophet
Joseph Smith. I believe in the living oracles. I honor the dead, but they
are dead and performing their work behind the vale. We have the First
Presidency and Council of the Twelve, and they are united, and with the
help of God I want to sustain them. There are many things that I do not
understand, that I cannot comprehend fully. I cannot see my way out at
present; but this is God's work, and, with the help of the Lord, I want to
sustain the Priesthood of God." - J. Golden Kimball, "Conference Report,"
October 1910, Afternoon Session., p.34
"Loyalty to the Lord carries an obligation of loyalty to those called by
the Lord to lead His Church. He has empowered that men be ordained to
speak in His holy name. (See D&C
1:38; D&C 21:5;
D&C 68:4.) As they
guide His unsinkable boat safely toward the shore of salvation, we would
do well to stay on board with them. (See
Acts 27:30-31; 1
Ne. 18:21-23.) No waters can swallow the ship where lies / The
Master of ocean and earth and skies. ('Master,
the Tempest Is Raging,' Hymns, no. 105.)" - Russell M. Nelson, "Endure
and Be Lifted Up," Ensign (CR), May 1997, p.70
"Every President of the Church, except Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, has
been sustained in a solemn assembly in this Tabernacle. And in similar
manner, the sustaining procedure is repeated annually in general
conference and duplicated in every stake and ward and branch as required
by revelation.
"The Lord said, 'It shall not be given to any one to go forth to preach my
gospel, or to build up my church, except he be ordained by some one who
has authority, and it is known to the church that he has authority and has
been regularly ordained by the heads of the church' (D&C
"In this way, no stranger can come among us and claim to have authority
and attempt to lead the Church astray." - Boyd K. Packer, "The
Spirit of the Tabernacle," General Conference, April 2007
"Another act in the greatest drama is being played. No theatrical stage
has ever produced such acts of such engrossing interest and importance as
have been the scenes of the history of the Church in these last days. The
stage has changed from New York to Ohio to Missouri to Illinois to Utah.
The conditions have altered and the people who have taken the parts are
different people. Today another great leader is sustained. What a
privilege for us who are here to be a part of such an important event! In
this change in leadership of the Church, it is important that the quorums
of the priesthood and the assembly of the Saints have an opportunity to
express their gratitude, pledge their support and confidence, and reaffirm
their covenants." - Spencer W. Kimball, "We
Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet," Ensign (CR), January 1973, p.33
"In all dispensations past the Lord has called prophets and commissioned
them to teach and testify to the people, with the provision that all who
believed and obeyed the heaven-sent message would be saved, while those
who rejected it would be damned. He has done precisely the same thing in
this final gospel dispensation. By his own voice he appointed Joseph Smith
to be the first and foremost of his latter-day prophets. Those who have
since built on the foundation revealed to Joseph Smith have worn the same
prophetic mantle and have and do stand as witnesses to the world of the
truth of God's great plan of salvation in this day." - Bruce R.
McConkie, "Conference Report," April 1968, First Day—Morning Meeting,
"I thank God, my brothers and sisters and friends, that I was reared in a
good home. I thank God that in that home I was taught that it was more
important to be moral than to be careful, that I was taught from the days
of my youth to honor the priesthood of Almighty God. I was frequently
told, as were the rest of the members of my father's family, by our
father, that if there ever came a time or an occasion to choose between
loyalty to him and loyalty to the priesthood of God, always choose loyalty
to the priesthood of God. I thank God that such an occasion never arose."
- Matthew Cowley, "Conference Report," October 1945, Afternoon Meeting,
"A prophet is not without experience in human life, for he lives among men
and with himself. He is not insensitive to good and evil, right and wrong,
joy and sorrow, life and death. Questions and problems come to his mind.
He thinks, he reflects, and he searches for the answers; and then—and this
step is distinctive in the life of a prophet—he turns to God in humility
and faith. When the answer comes, it is usually not in an audible tone,
although it can be and often has been in both former and latter days, but
more often it comes through the "still, small voice" of the Comforter.
This Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, clarifies the mind of the prophet and
causes his bosom to burn within him so that he knows the will of God. Then
he declares it to man. The testimony or reality of these things can be the
personal experience of every honest seeking individual in the world.
Through these channels man has come to know the reality of Christ's life,
divine mission, death, and eventual resurrection." - Paul H. Dunn,
"Conference Report," April 1966, Third Day—Morning Meeting, p.124
"We cannot go astray if we listen to the prophet's voice and follow him,
and as we do so we will be led in the path of truth and righteousness and
enjoy the love, respect, and confidence of our fellowmen, and eventually
enjoy eternal life with our Father in heaven. Or we may refuse and lose
all these great blessings." - N. Eldon Tanner, "Thou Mayest Choose for
Thyself", Ensign (CR), July 1973, p.7
“I sustain President Grant. When he became President of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I told him I sustained him with my full
faith and confidence; and that is the best I can do. I propose to stand
behind him and his counselors and the Twelve apostles. As I told an
apostle once: ‘If God Almighty puts a child in the Council of the Twelve,
and he will give me enough of his Spirit, I will sustain him.’ I pray the
Lord to bless you. Amen.” - Jonathan Golden Kimball, “Conference Report,”
October 1919, Afternoon Session, p. 205
"One gets a pessimistic outlook on life if he relies alone on the writings
of philosophers. We need that vision and inspiration which come to and
through 'holy men of God who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost'
if we are to escape the mental down drag of these unhappy days.
"Contrasted with the juiceless and dusty old straw which some philosophers
would feed to the people, is the life-giving grain discovered and declared
to the world by an ancient optimist and prophet, 'Men are, that they might
have joy.'" - Hugh B. Brown, "Continuing the Quest," p.344
"We are told that 'surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets' (Amos 3:7). We learn from this
scripture that the Lord will reveal to His prophets absolutely anything
that He feels is necessary to communicate to us. He will reveal His will
to us, and He will instruct us through His prophets." - Claudio R. M.
Costa, "Obedience
to the Prophets," Ensign (CR) October 2010
"What the prophets teach may to some seem outdated, unpopular, or even
impossible. But God is a God of order and has established a system whereby
we may know His will. 'Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he
revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.' At the opening of
this, the dispensation of the fulness of times, the Lord reaffirmed that
He would communicate with us through His prophets. He stated, 'My word . .
. shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my
servants, it is the same.'
"Trusting in and following the prophets is more than a blessing and a
privilege. President Ezra Taft Benson declared that 'our [very] salvation
hangs on' following the prophet." - Kevin R. Duncan, "Our
Very Survival," Ensign (CR) October 2010
"One of the great teachers and prophet-leaders in Israel was Ezra, who
'had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to
teach in Israel statutes and judgments.' (Ezra
7:10.) As Saints of the latter days, we are grateful for a
modern-day Ezra, even our beloved prophet, … who, like Ezra of old, has
prepared himself to receive the word of the Lord and is prepared to do the
Lord’s will. I bear you my witness that there is a living prophet in
Israel today." - Spencer J. Condie, "Some Scriptural Lessons on
Leadership," Ensign (CR) April 1990
The Saints today need instruction from God through his prophets just as
did the members of the ancient church. We of this dispensation also must
depend upon inspired direction in the work of the ministry and upon
constant divine guidance on our way to perfection.
In many ways conditions now are much the same as they were anciently. The
attitudes of the people—then and now—are not essentially different,
neither are their basic problems, such as immorality.
The Lord has given us modern prophets as part of his modern Church, and
their duties are like those of the ancient ones. - Mark
E. Petersen, "Follow
the Prophets," Ensign (CR) October 1981
A friend asked me several months
ago why so many problems have been plaguing a number of the members of
the Church recently. I hesitatingly answered, “Well, the last days are
surely approaching when even the elect shall be deceived.” (See Matt.
24:24.) He looked at me momentarily and said, “Well, perhaps that
might be a little of it, but I believe the real reason that so many are
wandering on strange paths is because they do not follow prophetic
counsel to study the scriptures and attend the classes in Church.” -
As one final word I would say that I came to the
position of secretary to the First Presidency sixteen years ago with a
full knowledge of the significance of the Church and of the status of
its leaders. I have seen nothing in those intervening years that would
cause me to question in any respect the doctrines of the Church, the
practices of the Church, or most assuredly the integrity of those who
head it. I am their witness. I testify that they are honorable,
upright, dedicated men of integrity committed to teaching the
principles of the gospel, who strive with all of their might to
prepare a people ready for the return of the head of the Church, Jesus
Christ, at his second coming. - Frances
M. Gibbons, "Sixteen
Years as a Witness," Ensign (CR) April 1986
Today there are many subjects being discussed because of the controversies
all around us. It should be evident to all that we need divine direction,
since men and women who argue about these controversies seem to be unable
to come to workable or peaceable solutions. It is sad indeed that the
world does not know or accept the fact that in our midst is a prophet
through whom God can direct the solution of world problems. - N.
Eldon Tanner, "The
Debate is Over," Liahona, June 1980
Prophets say the same
things because we face basically the same problems. Brothers and
sisters, the solutions to these problems have not changed. It would be
a poor lighthouse that gave off a different signal to guide every ship
entering a harbor. It would be a poor mountain guide who, knowing the
safe route up a mountainside, took his trusting charges up
unpredictable and perilous paths from which no traveler returns. - Spencer
W. Kimball, "The
Stone Cut Without Hands," Ensign (CR) May 1976
The living prophet is receiving specific revelations for us. I can
remember many times when I have been present to hear one of the servants
of the Lord speak about a specific thing for a city or country. I
remember at least three of the living prophets, seers, and revelators
who have spoken about my country, Brazil. One of these servants said
that Brazil would become a great economy in the world and be free of
inflation. At the time, we had two-digit inflation every month. It was
difficult for many people to believe what the prophet said, but I
believed. Brazil has had about 5 percent inflation each year for many
consecutive years now. Brazil has become eighth in the world economy,
and the country is doing great! - Claudio R. M. Costa, "Obedience
to the Prophets," Ensign (CR) November 2010
Few modern
people, whether Jewish or Christian, realize that there are living
prophets on earth today, men who hold the same gifts and powers that
characterized the prophets of old. But they are here, alive and
alert. They are modern men, well educated and fully oriented to
present-day conditions. They give the word of God as it is received
now, just as Moses and Isaiah, Peter and Paul ministered in their
Try to realize it if you will. God does speak to us now. He
manifests himself through prophets whom he has raised up for this
day…—for present-day people—to help them to successfully combat the
seductions of a decadent and blinded world. - Mark E. Petersen,
People of Sound Judgment," Ensign (CR) June 1972
It is an easy thing to believe in the dead prophets. Many people do.
For some mysterious reason there is an aura of credibility about them.
It is not so with the prophet who lives among us, who must meet life’s
everyday challenges. But it is a great thing to believe in the living
prophets. Our salvation is contingent upon our belief in a living
prophet and adherence to his word. He alone has the right to
revelation for the whole Church. His words, above those of any other
man, ought to be esteemed and considered by the Church as well as by
the world. One day this truth will be understood. - A.
Theodore Tuttle, "What
Is a Living Prophet?" Ensign (CR) June 1973
God has solutions! There is only one real road to safety and that is
to hearken unto the voice of the prophet of God, because man in his
wisdom cannot solve the problems which he is facing today anymore than
he could when Paul wrote to the Corinthians. He said, “For the wisdom
of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh
the wise in their own craftiness.” (1
Cor. 3:19.) - Hartman Rector, Jr. "The
World's Greatest Need," Ensign (CR) November 1975
about you who believe in God but don’t believe in prophets or
revelation? Why not? How can you know about God without
revelation? Is it bad to have a prophet? Is there some rule
against it? Don’t we need a prophet? Wouldn’t it be comforting,
for example, if the president of the United States were a
prophet? Wouldn’t it be wonderful for this country if God would
just tell us what we ought to be doing? As a matter of fact, he
is telling us. The only trouble is that by and large we won’t
listen. It is just the same as in ancient times when other
prophets spoke. You would rather commit adultery, play on
Sunday, drink your whiskey, and let someone else tend to the
problems of society and the world. God is trying to straighten
all these things out by the words of his prophet. And only when
you have enough faith will you be able to hear the message. - Wm.
Grant Bangerter, “The
Voice of the Lord Is unto All People,” Ensign (CR)
November 1979
help us confront the changes and challenges we constantly face. The
popular Primary song “Follow the Prophet” reminds us of this
important principle: “We can get direction all along our way, if we
heed the prophets—follow what they say” (Children’s
Songbook, 111). - Steven E.
Snow, “Get
On with Our Lives,” Ensign (CR) May 2009
teachings of a living prophet are often contrary to the trends
of the world. We, as Latter-day Saints and the holders of the
priesthood of God, must understand that there is an expanding
gulf between the standards of the world and those of the gospel
and kingdom of God, and that living prophets will always teach
the standards of God. As much as we may want the gospel to
accommodate to the world, it can't, it won't, it never has, and
it never will. - Dennis
B. Neuenschwander, "Living
Prophets, Seers, and Revelators," Ensign (CR),
November 2000, p. 40
If our people want to be safely guided during these troublous times
of deceit and false rumors, they must follow their leaders and seek
for the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord in order to avoid falling
prey to clever manipulators who, with cunning sophistry, seek to
draw attention and gain a following to serve their own notions and
sometimes sinister motives. - Harold
B. Lee, "Admonitions
for the Priesthood of God," Ensign (CR), January 1973, p.
think one of the great messages of this Church is to declare
unto the world that God has raised up a prophet and that there
is a need for a prophet of God in this day and age. We go to the
ends of the earth to proclaim this unto the children of men and
if they will but listen to the direction and the inspiration of
the prophets of God we could be led from our dilemma and from
the disillusionment that settles over the earth today. - Alvin
R. Dyer, "Conference Report," April 1959, Afternoon Meeting,
p. 116
You know, from the beginning, from the days of the Prophet Joseph to
this moment, the men who have been living oracles, witnesses of the
truth of these things, have been sound, stable, great, intelligent,
competent men. We have not been led by people who are unstable or
fanatical or unbalanced in any sense of the word. We have had men
who have been educators and bankers, presidents of insurance
companies, people who have sat in the halls of Congress and in
Cabinets with Presidents, the most stable, mature, and sensible men,
industrialists and otherwise, that anyone could expect to find. - Bruce
R. McConkie, "Conference Report," October 1956, Third Day—Morning
Meeting, p. 103
The Savior declared, “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of
my servants, it is the same” (D&C
1:38). May we hear and heed the eternal truths taught by the
Lord’s authorized representatives. As we do so, I promise our faith
in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will be fortified, and we will
receive spiritual guidance and protection for our specific
circumstances and needs. - David
A. Bednar, “Chosen
to Bear Testimony of My Name,” Ensign (CR) November 2015
know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I testify that in our
day [the prophet] is the man whose eyes see the light that can and
will save us and the world. When all about us are sinking in
darkness and fear and despair, when destruction seems close and the
raging fury of men and demons ensnares us in seemingly insoluble
problems, listen as he calmly says, "There is the light. This is the
way.” I testify that he will so guide us safely home if we will but
listen and obey. - John H.
Groberg, "There
Is the Light," Ensign (CR), November 1976, p.44
have sustained leaders today who, by divine inspiration, have been
called to teach and guide us and who are calling out to us to beware
of the dangers we face each day—from casual Sabbath-day observance,
to threats to the family, to assaults on religious freedom, and even
to disputing latter-day revelation. Brothers and sisters, are we
listening to their counsel? - Ronald
A. Rasband, "Standing
with the Leaders of the Church,“ Ensign (CR) May 2016
President Brigham Young said he recollected many times the
Prophet Joseph Smith saying that he "had to pray all the time, exercise
faith,live his religion, and magnify his calling, to obtain the
manifestations of the Lord, and to keep him steadfast in the faith." All
of us may expect some challenges to our faith. These challenges may come
in different ways. You may not always like the counsel that the Church
leaders give to you. They are not trying to be popular. They are trying
to help us avoid the calamities and disappointments that come through
disobedience to God's laws. - James
E. Faust, “Called
Chosen,” Ensign (CR) November 2005
Lord and his living prophets are counting on you to avoid the trash
that surrounds you in the media. When anyone chooses to ignore or
defiantly go against the counsel of the living prophet, he is on very
shaky ground. – Joe J.
Christensen, “The
is Counting on You,” Ensign (CR) November 1996
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