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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Art

"Jesus was not a painter, and yet he inspired Michelangelo and many other great painters. They painted Jesus and he was the inspiration for it. He was not an orator, and yet no man spake as this man spoke. He didn't wave his hands and shout in stentorian sounds, but he penetrated men's souls with his thoughts. His sayings have been hammered in marble, chiseled into imperishable stone and granite, wrought into enduring bronze tablets, written in stained glass windows of numberless churches, and fashioned in rich mosaics upon temple walls and set in arched domes of colossal cathedrals." — Spencer W. Kimball, "The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball," Bookcraft, p. 9

"Mothers, let me beg of you to bestow all the care and training that you possibly can upon your daughters. Make them as perfect as you can; give them every facility within your power to become women of culture. And, fathers, do the same by your boys. If there is a man in your settlement who excels in any one thing, let him teach the rest. If there be among you a good penman, let him teach others this beautiful art. And if there is a woman that excels in anything, let the girls be taught in that one thing until they shall equal or surpass her. If there is a man among you who is accustomed to society, let him impart lessons to the boys, and let them imitate him. This is one thing that devolves upon us, as Latter-day Saints." — George Q. Cannon, "Journal of Discourses," 22:283

"Worthy music, dance, art, and writing are among the creative activities that can enrich the soul. A good hobby can dispel heartache and give zest to life." — Russell M. Nelson, "Perfection Pending, and Other Favorite Discourses," Deseret Book Co., p. 14

"Because it raises our spirits and helps us resist evil and seek good, the feeling of uplift that is communicated by reading the scriptures or by enjoying wholesome music, art, or literature is a distinct function (as well as a form) of revelation." — Dallin H. Oaks, "The Lord's Way," Deseret Book Co., p. 25

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R. Scott Birk
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Revised: March 25, 2009
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