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"When it comes to a test of the various seed stores, the various
agricultural departments, etc., it is not in the catalogues, it is not
in the pictures they paint, but it is in the seed that they furnish. So,
too, in the various churches, it is not the virtues they proclaim that
you can judge by. It is in the seed of eternal truth that they are able
to implant; and I feel certain, my friends, that if you will get down to
these seed truths and then apply your reason and see what the result
will be, you can determine fairly well what the fruit of any system may
be." - John G. McQuarrie, "Conference Report," April 1909, Outdoor
Meeting., p.50
"May I suggest a formula for
bringing forth good fruit and helping one to gain eternal salvation? (1)
have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in yourself, (2) study eternal
truths, (3) ponder and pray for understanding, (4) strive to incorporate
principles of truth into daily living, (5) exercise integrity in all
that you do, and (6) strive to do everything you do to a standard of
excellence." - Royden
G. Derrick, "By
Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them", Ensign (CR), November 1984,
man's works should agree with his faith; if he has faith to sustain
his words, if he has faith to sustain his deeds, his works should
correspond with his faith. I must be right in my faith, to be right in
my works. If the tree is bitter, the fruit will also be bitter; or in
other words, the tree is known by its fruits, and faith by its works.
If a man's works are good, his faith is also good; if his works are
bad, we infer that his faith is bad also, and very just inferences
too. All men should be judged by their works; this is a correct
criterion to judge every person by. Many of the Latter-day Saints have
correct faith and correct works, while some profess to have correct
faith, but exhibit by their works that their faith is actually not
good. How can I tell whether your faith is good or not? I can only
judge of it by your works."
- Jedediah M. Grant, "Journal of
Discourses," 26 vols., 2:273
Those who receive the gospel are
expected to manifest its fruits in their lives, not only for their own
benefit and blessing, but for the purpose of drawing others to the
truth. - Dean L. Larsen, "By
Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them,"
Ensign (CR) October 1985
When we really follow Christ in his true restored church, it will be
manifested in our lives. The fruit will follow. The Holy Ghost will
lead us to make uncomfortable decisions, to develop true love and
faith by learning to sacrifice and to discipline ourselves. Our
abilities will grow and will bring satisfaction and joy and
happiness. Through the instrument of an ongoing communication with
our Heavenly Father—a constant prayer in our hearts for direction in
the many little decisions in our lives—we feel the softness of the
yoke of Christ… - F. Enzio Busche, "Do
We All Believe in the Same God?" Ensign (CR), May 1980, p.
That day is now here. Opposition
has been and will be the lot of the Saints of the kingdom in any
age. The finger of scorn has been pointed at us in the past, and we
may expect it in the future. We also expect to see men in high
places defend the Church; there will also be "pharaohs" who know
neither Joseph nor his brethren. The seed planted and watered in
1830 has now matured to a fully grown tree for all to see. Some will
seek the refuge of its shade in the heat of the day, but none will
be neutral in their appraisal of its fruit. - Ezra
Taft Benson, "A
Marvelous Work and a Wonder," Ensign (CR), May 1980, p. 32