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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Charles W. Dahlquist II

"As you exercise your agency, remember, you are not alone. In addition to a kind and wise Heavenly Father, there are others who are praying for you to make wise choices. As a youth, when I would go out on a date or with my friends, I would always check in with my parents when I came home. Usually I would just knock on their door, open it and say, 'I'm home,' and then go to bed. One night I came home from a date, knocked as usual, and then opened the door. As I did so, the light from the hall fell on my angel mother on her knees in prayer. And as I saw her there, I knew whom she was praying for. I have never forgotten that experience. And the knowledge that my mother still prays for me today bears me up and reminds me who I am and that I am not alone." - Charles W. Dahlquist II, "Who's On The Lord's Side?" General Conference, April 2007

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R. Scott Birk
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Revised: May 01, 2007