and sisters, this kingdom is like no other organization on earth. To borrow a
business term, it has a vastly superior competitive edge; it alone will lead us
to eternal life. It alone is founded on solid rock, the rock of revelation. It
alone has the fully restored gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the personal
level, it instills a purging discipline within us. It pushes us out of our
circles of comfort into growth. It fosters development of great spiritual gifts
and enlightenment which we will take with us in the next life. It provides the
baptism of fire. It personally empowers us in ways that can only come from God."
- Dale E. Miller, "The
Kingdom's Perfecting Pathway," Ensign (CR), May 1998, p.29
blessings and promises of conversion are received by covenant through baptism
and confirmation and all the ordinances of the temple and the priesthood. Then
by continued repentance and obedience and faithful keeping of the covenants
made, the fruits of conversion grow and develop in one's life. As conversion
matures and is sustained through the workings of the Holy Ghost, peace and
healing come to the soul." - Dale E. Miller, “Bringing
Peace and Healing to Your Soul,” Ensign (CR), November 2004, p.12
“As we move
towards perfection, it is easy to feel that we fall short. We can take
confidence that the Lord knows us intimately; He knows the intent of our hearts.
He will surely show us the way as we humble ourselves, are obedient, and work
toward continual improvement. Even now, He prepares us in ways that we can’t yet
see. The eyes of our understanding will be opened as we keep the commandments
and seek to serve Him. We have the potential to eventually become perfected in
Christ. This is a divine inheritance.” - Dale E.
Miller, “The Kingdom’s Perfecting Pathway,” Ensign (CR), May 1998, p. 29
"Brothers and sisters, thrusting in our sickles to help build the
Lord's kingdom should be the prime focus of our lives. It seems
reasonable to suggest that we each agreed to that in our premortal
life. The key decisions pertaining to education, career, marriage, the
very use of our time, talent, and means should prayerfully hinge on how
best we serve the Master, building His kingdom and becoming perfected
in Him." - Dale E. Miller, "The Kingdom's Perfecting Pathway," Ensign (CR), May 1998, p. 29