"Columbus was led by God. I'm sure that he inspired a
little boy, Christopher Columbus, to stand on the quays in Genoa, Italy, and
yearn for the sea. He was filled with the desire to sail the seas, and he
fulfilled a great prophecy made long, long ago that this land, chosen above all
other lands, should be discovered. And so when he was mature, opportunity was
granted to him to brave the unknown seas, to find this land which had been cut
off from the rest of the world long centuries, and to open the door, as it
Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball 427
"Brigham Young taught: 'All true wisdom that mankind have
they have received from God, whether they know it or not. There is no ingenious
mind that has ever invented anything beneficial to the human family but what he
obtained it from that One Source. . . . There is only one source from whence men
obtain wisdom, and that is God, the fountain of all wisdom; and though men may
claim to make their discoveries by their own wisdom, by meditation and
reflection, they are indebted to our Father in Heaven for all.'" (In
Journal of Discourses, 13:148.)
Elder Royden G. Derrick
"By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them"
General Conference, October 1984
"The wonder of television causes me to believe that Philo
T. Farnsworth, back in 1927, must surely have been inspired of the Lord to
develop this remarkable medium of communication. As you know, Brother
Farnsworth was a member of the Church. Applying his scientific skills, he
brought to the world this marvelous invention, which I believe is to be used for
the primary purpose of furthering the work of the Lord."
Elder M. Russell Ballard
"The Effects Of Television"
General Conference, April 1989
"The glory of God is intelligence; in other words, light
and truth. All intelligence comes from God, and anyone whose mind is opened to
the development of inventions for the benefit and blessing of mankind receives
that light and truth through study, through research, through inspiration and
guidance from the Spirit of the Lord, whether that individual be a Morse, an
Edison, an Alexander Graham Bell, an Orville or Wilbur Wright, or whoever he may
Elder Joseph Anderson
"Light And Knowledge To The World"
General Conference, October 1972
"We are living in the most enlightened age of man's
history. Scientists, inventors, and others have been inspired during the past
ages by an overruling Providence. We owe a debt of gratitude to the dedicated
men and women who have applied these inventions and discoveries for the
guidance, convenience, and blessing of mankind. Now, because of this service and
dedication, we are able to transmit in a brief period the messages of the
General Authorities of the Church to millions throughout the world."
David O. McKay
General Conference, April 1964
"In the Lord's due time His Spirit 'wrought upon' Columbus, the pilgrims,
the Puritans, and others to come to America. They testified of God's
intervention in their behalf (see 1 Ne. 13:12-13). The Book
of Mormon records that they humbled 'themselves before the Lord; and the power
of the Lord was with them' (1
Ne. 13:16). Our Father in Heaven planned the coming forth of the Founding
Fathers and their form of government as the necessary great prologue leading to
the restoration of the gospel. Recall what our Savior Jesus Christ said nearly
two thousand years ago when He visited this promised land: 'For it is wisdom in
the Father that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free
people by the power of the Father, that these things might come forth' (3 Ne. 21:4). America, the land
of liberty, was to be the Lord's latter-day base of operations for His restored
church." - Ezra Taft Benson, "Our
Divine Constitution," Ensign, Nov. 1987, p. 4
"One of the peculiarities of the Latter-day Saints is their belief in Divine
revelation. It has been stated in this meeting this afternoon that we are
believers in the revelations of the Almighty, and that there is necessity for
the word of the Lord to come unto the people in these latter times as in former
ages. I sometimes wonder that there should be so much doubt in the minds of the
people concerning divine revelation, when we think of the marvelous advances
that are being made scientifically among the nations of the earth. It is
possible now, so we are told, (while we may not comprehend the principle
altogether by which this thing that I have in mind is accomplished, I suppose we
have no doubt that it is being accomplished), that messages are sent through the
air without any means of transmission that we can see, through the agency of
what is termed wireless telegraphy." - Joseph W.
McMurrin, “Conference Report,” October 1907, Second Overflow Meeting, p.97