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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Francis M. Lyman

"My brethren and sisters, can we afford to be indifferent and neglectful, listless and foolish, so late in the day as this? for it is announced to us that the coming of the Son of Man is near at hand. O! that we will serve and honor the Lord and be ready at His coming; that the door shall not be shut against us, but that there shall be oil in our lamps, and we be well prepared. But not a man or woman can have the necessary oil and preparation who hath not earned it by his or her own devoted service to the Lord. And we have not a moment to be careless. Seek the Lord and serve Him every day of your lives. Then if you die before the coming of the Son of Man you shall see Him when you go to the other side, and you shall be welcome there. Let us be ready all the time, and let us labor with devotion and faithfulness. Never mind what others do; for me, I must serve the Lord, I must honor and serve Him with all my might and strength, in order that I may be redeemed and saved in His presence." - Francis M. Lyman, "Conference Report," April 1901, Afternoon Session p. 50

"This Gospel, with which Paul was so pleased, requires us to serve the Lord all the time, so that we may have joy and happiness in our souls, and that we may be prepared to live and be prepared to go to our reward when mortality closes and we lay down these mortal tabernacles of ours, for we will lay them in the dust after a little while—just a little while. All the time there are changes. Many are being born, and many are passing away. We mourn, we sorrow for our loved ones that go—our wives, our husbands, our children, our parents; we sorrow for them; and it is well and proper that we should mourn for them and shed tears for the loss, for it is our loss; but it is their gain, for it is in the march of progress, advancement and development. It will be all right when our time comes, when we have finished our work and accomplished what the Lord requires of us. If we are prepared, we need not be afraid to go, for it will be one of the most pleasant sensations that ever comes to the soul of man, whenever he departs, if he can go with a clear conscience into the presence of the Lord and receive that welcome I have mentioned. We will be full of joy and happiness, and we will enter into a place of rest, of peace, of joy, rest from every sorrow. What a blessed thing that will be!" - Francis M. Lyman, "Conference Report," October 1909, First Day—Morning Session., p.19

"It is a great thing to enjoy the spirit of the gospel, for that brings peace, it brings security and life and salvation. We cannot accomplish these things without the Lord helps us, and he is ready and willing and generous to bestow upon us his spirit in just such abundance as we are ready and prepared to receive; for the Spirit of the Lord is as generous and as ready at our necessities and commands through our faithfulness, as the light of day, as the heat of the sun, and the cold and the warmth, and so forth. The Lord is near us by his Spirit and his Spirit is ready for our possession and for us to enjoy in our homes, in our labors, in our work, publicly and privately, at home or abroad. When we live under the inspiration and light of the Spirit of God, we will be happy wherever we are, and we will accomplish a world of good and those who are about us and associate with us will enjoy the spirit that we enjoy and will recognize it." - Francis M. Lyman, "Conference Report," October 1916, Afternoon Session, p.30

My brethren and my sisters, you never speak, you never think, you are never inspired, there is not an ambition in your heart, not a thought, either of virtue or of wickedness, that is not open before the Lord; He comprehends these things. It is our duty therefore to so train ourselves day by day that it will be an easy matter for us to do right in the morning, at noon, and all through the day, so that when we retire at night we may be able to represent ourselves to our Father as having walked uprightly before Him all the day; that we have not done wrong, but have been sober, temperate, conscientious and upright. - Francis M. Lyman, "Conference Report," October 1906, First Day—Morning Session, p. 17

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R. Scott Birk
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