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"I know that heaven-sent revelations have replaced the gross errors of
man-made doctrines concerning the Godhead. I know that God is our
Heavenly Father. His Son, Jesus Christ, is my Savior. The Holy Ghost
testifies of the Father and the Son. I express my profound gratitude to
God for introducing the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ to mankind in
these last days. The Savior lives; He has been seen; He has spoken; He
directs the work of His Church through apostles and prophets today. What
magnificent truths He has taught as the Good Shepherd who continues to
look after His sheep." - Gary J. Coleman, "Mom,
Are We Christians?" General Conference, April 2007
of our mortal training is to walk by faith, repent of our sins, and
call upon the Lord in daily prayer. We rejoice in the moments when
promptings by the Holy Ghost are kindly given, and we are urged along
the proper path of life. But each of us faces many difficult times
here in mortality. All sorts of voices are screaming at us from the
stadiums of public opinion. Our course will never be the popular way
of the world. There are obstacles strewn in our path upon which we may
sprain an ankle or stub a toe. But we must keep going. We move on in
the strength of the Lord, each accountable for our own performance at
the end of our mortal race. We must be able to declare with Paul:
have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
"'Henceforth there is laid up
for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge,
shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also
that love his appearing (2 Tim. 4:7-8).'"
- Gary
J. Coleman, "Jesus Christ
Is at the Center of the Restoration of the Gospel,"
Ensign (CR), November 1992, p.43
… Many will lose sight of the goal
of eternal life with God and Jesus Christ. Others will fall into deep
canyons of doubt or be caught in the brush and thickets of sin and
temptations of life. Some will fail to follow the compass directions of
the Holy Ghost, prophets, scriptures, and priesthood leaders. But
spiritual safety lies in relying absolutely on the foreknowledge of God
and the plan of life and salvation that he has provided for us. - Gary
J. Coleman, "O
How Great the Plan of Our God!" Ensign, February 1996
The doctrines of the restoration
of the gospel of Jesus Christ have become my path to eternal life and
the fulness of joy here in mortality. Few things in life have become
more dear to me than a knowledge of the reality of the Godhead. We are
the literal spirit offspring of God the Father. The life and mission
of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, affects my life daily. The
influence of the Holy Ghost from day to day is a great comfort. - Gary
J. Coleman, "Jesus
Christ Is at the Center of the Restoration of the Gospel,"
Ensign (CR) November 1992
B. Hinckley has said, “I cannot understand why the Christian world
does not accept this book.” I first read the Book of Mormon at the
age of 21. I then asked God if it was true. The truth of it was
manifested unto me by the comforting power of the Holy Ghost. I
know that the Book of Mormon is a second testament of Jesus
Christ. I join my testimony with the prophets of this sacred book
to declare that “we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we
preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ.” I am deeply grateful for
every word that He has spoken and for every word He continues to
speak as He quenches our thirst with living water. – Gary
J. Coleman, “Mom,
We Christians?” Ensign (CR) May 2007