The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - God's Love

"There is not one of us but what God's love has been expended upon. There is not one of us that He has not car ed for and caressed. There is not one of us that He has not desired to save and that He has not devised means to save. There is not one of us that He has not given His angels charge concerning. We may be insignificant and contemptible in our own eyes and in the eyes of others, but the truth remains that we are children of God and that He has actually given His angels . . . charge concerning us, and they watch over us and have us in their keeping." — George Q. Cannon, Gospel Truth, p. 3-4

"The transcendent love of God the Father has its counterpart in Christ, the Son, whose redeeming sacrifice, which was voluntary and love inspired, loosed the bonds of death and assured to all men the blessings of the resurrection. He declared it to be His work and His glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." — Hugh B. Brown, The Abundant Life, p.156 - 157

"Love of God is the root of all virtue, of all goodness, of all strength of character, of all fidelity to do r ight. Love the Lord your God, and love his Son, and be ever grateful for their love for us. Whenever other love fades, there will be that shining, transcendent, everlasting love of God for each of us and the love of his Son, who gave his life for us."
— Gordon B. Hinckley, Ricks College Regional Conference, 29 Oct. 1995

"God loved His Only Begotten Son, who was without sin, more than He loved sinners. And yet He loved the world so much that He gave His own Son for the redemption of the world." — Joseph F. Smith, Collected Discourses, Volume 5 2 June 1895

"Our Heavenly Father loves us, not because we deserve it but because he has given and sacrificed for us. Our Savior Jesus Chris t loves us, not because we deserve it but because he has given so much and sacrificed for us." — Robert E. Wells, The Christ-focused Beatitudes, BYU Speeches of the Year, 20 May 1986

"God, through his Son, is the source of love (1 John 4:7–12); love is a gift of faith received through the Spirit (1 John 4:13–16); love brings confidence and dispels fear (1 John 4:17–18); love of God is manifest in our love for others (1 John 4:19–21); and the ultimate reward of keeping God’s commandment to love is to share in his Son’s victory (1 John 5:1–5)."

Victor L. Ludlow 
"John: The Once and Future Witness," 
"Ensign," Dec. 1991, p. 54

"If you were my earthly friend, you would win my heart by being kind to my children. God loves his children more than any earthly parent, so think what your kindness to his children means to him."

Henry B. Eyring 
"To Draw Closer to God," 
"Ensign," May 1991, p. 67

"Those who earnestly inquire, under the Spirit of God, will enjoy a companionship, not only of the Spirit, but of others who seek truth. Thomas Carlyle said, 'I have always found that the honest truth of our own mind has a certain attraction for every other mind that loves truth honestly.'"

James E. Faust 
"The Truth Shall Make You Free," 
"Ensign," Sept. 1998, p. 5

"In fact, in a resurrected, otherwise perfected body, our Lord of this sacrament table has chosen to retain for the benefit of his disciples the wounds in his hands and his feet and his side—signs, if you will, that painful things happen even to the pure and perfect. Signs, if you will, that pain in this world is not evidence that God doesn’t love you. It is the wounded Christ who is the captain of our soul—he who yet bears the scars of sacrifice, the lesions of love and humility and forgiveness."

Jeffrey R. Holland 
"This Do in Remembrance of Me," 
"Ensign," Nov. 1995, p. 69

"In some way—ultimately incomprehensible to mortals—the Son of God took upon himself the punishment for the sins of all mankind. And since his sacrifice was 'infinite and eternal' (see Alma 34:10–14), he satisfied the demands of justice and mercy and can offer forgiveness to those whose sins he has borne. This offer is a gift—the scriptures often use the term grace—that the Savior extends because of his great love for us."

S. Michael Wilcox 
"I Have a Question," 
"Ensign," June 1991, p. 51

"God is perfect and omnipotent, and you and I are mortal. But he is our Father, he loves us, and he offers the same opportunity to draw closer to him as would a loving friend. And you will do it in much the same way: speaking, listening, and doing." - Henry B. Eyring, "To Draw Closer to God," Ensign, May 1991, 66

"To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is all-consuming and all-encompassing. It is no lukewarm endeavor. It is total commitment of our very being—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—to a love of the Lord.

"The breadth, depth, and height of this love of God extend into every facet of one's life. Our desires, be they spiritual or temporal, should be rooted in a love of the Lord. Our thoughts and affections should be centered on the Lord. 'Let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord,' said Alma, 'yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever' (Alma 37:36)." - Ezra Taft Benson, "The Great Commandment—Love the Lord," Ensign (CR), May 1988, p.4

"In the midst of God's plan and the universe's incredible vastness is incredible personalness. For example, '[God] looketh down upon all the children of men; and he knows all the thoughts and intents of the heart' (Alma 18:32; see also Isa. 66:18)." - Neal A. Maxwell, "How Choice a Seer!," Ensign (CR), November 2003, p.99

"I testify this morning of God's limitless love for his children, of his unquenchable desire to help us heal our wounds, individually and collectively. He is our Father, and Wordsworth wrote more than he knew when he said we came to earth 'trailing clouds of glory'... from God who is our home' ('Ode: Intimations of Immortality'). But in far too many cases we find no modern belief in a Heavenly Father, and when there is a belief, it is too often an erroneous one. God is not dead, and he is not an absentee landlord. God is not uncaring, or capricious, or cantankerous. Above all, he is not some sort of divine referee trying to tag us off third base.

"The first and great commandment on earth is for us to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength (see D&C 59:5; Matt. 22:37) because surely the first and great promise in heaven is that he will always love us that way." - Jeffrey R. Holland, "Look to God and Live," Ensign (CR), November 1993, p.13

"Alma emphasized the importance of having the love of God always in your hearts (Alma 13:29). Charity is that love. Charity is a gift of the Spirit, for 'all things which are good cometh of God' (Moro. 7:12). And this gift is multiplied as it is used.

"Both the giver and the receiver are blessed. For charity purifies and sanctifies all it touches, and 'whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him' (Moro. 7:47).

"The greatest acts of charity come from giving of yourself and receiving expressions of charity with humility as well." - Elaine L. Jack, "Strengthened in Charity," Ensign (CR), November 1996, p.91

"Did you know that Heavenly Father knows you personally—by name? The scriptures teach us that this is true. When Enos went into the woods to pray, he recorded, 'There came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed.' (Enos 1:5; emphasis added.) Moses not only prayed but also talked to God face-to-face, and God said to Moses, 'I have a work for thee, Moses, my son.' (Moses 1:6; emphasis added.) The Lord knew Jacob's name and changed it to Israel to more accurately reflect his mission on the earth. (See Bible Dictionary, 'Israel,' 708.) Similarly, He changed the names of Paul and Abraham and Sarah. In Doctrine and Covenants, section 25, Emma Smith is given a blessing for her comfort and guidance in life. The Lord begins this blessing by saying, 'Hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God, while I speak unto you, Emma Smith, my daughter.' (D&C 25:1; emphasis added.)

"You may not have heard the Lord call you by name, but He knows each one of you and He knows your name. Elder Neal A. Maxwell said: 'I testify to you that God has known you individually ... for a long, long time (see  D&C 93:23). He has loved you for a long, long time. He not only knows the names of all the stars (see  Ps. 147:4; Isa. 40:26); He knows your names and all your heartaches and your joys!' ("Remember How Merciful the Lord Hath Been," Liahona and Ensign, May 2004, p.46.)" - Elaine S. Dalton, "He Knows You by Name," Ensign, (CR) May 2005

"To all of you who think you are lost or without hope, or who think you have done too much that was too wrong for too long, to every one of you who worry that you are stranded somewhere on the wintry plains of life and have wrecked your handcart in the process, this conference calls out Jehovah's unrelenting refrain, '[My] hand is stretched out still.' 'I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them,' He said, '[and even if they] deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, … if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts.' His mercy endureth forever, and His hand is stretched out still. His is the pure love of Christ, the charity that never faileth, that compassion which endures even when all other strength disappears." - Jeffrey R. Holland, "Prophets in the Land Again," Ensign, November 2006

"How can we know that God is aware of us and loves us? He tells us by the scriptures—likewise, by our honestly counting the blessings and bestowals of His grace in our lives. Most of all, He tells us by the still, small voice of the Spirit! (see Alma 34:38; D&C 78:17-19)." - Neal A. Maxwell, "Encircled in the Arms of His Love," Ensign (CR), November 2002, p.16

"O, my brethren and sisters, when I think of what God has done for us in this daily temporal life of ours; in this being that we have here, the clothing that we wear, the air we breathe, the food to eat, and all are daily given as manifestations of the munificent gifts of God. We think it was a wonderful thing that He sent manna down to feed Israel: but every day we have as wonderful a miracle in the things that we have to subsist upon in this world as the result of God's munificent gifts unto us. I rejoice in the many things that He has done. Many people ask how they can trust Him, and how they can believe in the Lord Jesus Christ when they have not seen Him, or seen a miracle. You do not need to see Him. There is one thing, if He had done no other that ought to bring forth such confidence in our hearts, and trust in him, that we could not doubt His love for us. I refer to His most precious of all gifts. I do not diminish any other gift of God to man, but I do value above all other things the gift of His Son Jesus Christ to the world." - Melvin J. Ballard, "Conference Report," October 1910, Overflow Meeting, p.82 - 84

It shouldn't surprise us that God gives so much individual attention to humans or to the divine design in the tiny DNA molecule. God 'is in the details'—of the galaxies, of the DNA molecule, but, even more important, He 'is in the details' of our lives." - Henry B. Eyring, ed., "On Becoming a Disciple Scholar," p.14

"When we understand who God is, who we are, how He loves us, and what His plan is for us, fear evaporates. When we get the tiniest glimpse of these truths, our concern over worldly things vanishes. To think we actually fall for Satan’s lies that power, fame, or wealth is important is truly laughable—or would be were it not so sad." - John H. Groberg, "The Power of God’s Love," Ensign (CR), November 2004, p.9

“God accomplishes His purposes heart to heart. The prophet Nephi helps us to understand this: ‘It is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.’ (1 Ne. 11:22.)

“The depth and magnitude of God's love for all of His children is emphasized in the writings of John: ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ (John 3:16.)” - David B. Haight, “Love All,” Ensign (CR), November 1982, p. 10

“God does not look on the outward appearance. I believe that He doesn’t care one bit if we live in a castle or a cottage, if we are handsome or homely, if we are famous or forgotten. Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Love of God,” Ensign, November 2009

“There is no greater evidence of the infinite power and perfection of God’s love than is declared by the Apostle John: ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son’ (John 3:16). Another Apostle wrote that God ‘spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all’ (Romans 8:32). Think how it must have grieved our Heavenly Father to send His Son to endure incomprehensible suffering for our sins. That is the greatest evidence of His love for each of us!” – Dallin H. Oaks, “Love and Law,” Ensign, November 2009

“Love is the motivating principle by which the Lord leads us along the way towards becoming like Him, our perfect example. Our way of life, hour by hour, must be filled with the love of God and love for others. There is no surprise in that, since the Lord proclaimed those as the first and great commandments. It is love of God that will lead us to keep His commandments. And love of others is at the heart of our capacity to obey Him.” – Henry B. Eyring, “Our Perfect Example,” Ensign, November 2009

“Oh, the height and the depth of divine love, the love of God for his children here upon the earth! We are put under an obligation that we never can repay in this life or in the life to come. The greatness of this sacrifice cannot be measured, cannot be fully understood by mortal man; but, nevertheless, we can get the benefit of it by faith and obedience to the commandments of God. That is what he requires, and I was going to say how simple it is to keep the commandments of God, and yet it may not be so simple, and it may not be so easy, because Satan very well knows the mark of our high calling, and he is seeking continually to lead away the Saints of God from the path of rectitude and from the path of life, but after all, my brethren and sisters, through faith and prayer and diligence, we will surely prevail.” - Rudger Clawson, “Conference Report,” October 1921, Afternoon Session, p. 36

"We teach that God's love for His children is infinite. Regardless of race, nationality, or gender, He loves all of them. He has done so from the beginning and will continue to do so. He invites all to gain eternal exaltation for their family. His work and His glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life—the exaltation—of His children. 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'" - Russell M. Nelson, "Generations Linked in Love," Ensign (CR) May 2010

We know little of the will of the Lord, yet we judge the Lord often with our small wisdom. I speak to those who now walk the deep water of life or the rivers of sorrow. I testify to you that the Lord loves you, and Jesus Christ will never forget you! The Lord has said, “My son [or daughter], … all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.” (D&C 122:7.) - Yoshihiko Kikuchi, "Count Your Blessings," Ensign (CR) April 1984

The Lord's response to us is always filled with love. Should not our response to Him be in kind, with real feelings of love? He gives grace (or goodness) for grace, attribute for attribute. As our obedience increases, we receive more grace (or goodness) for the grace we return to Him. Offer Him the refinement of your attributes, so that when He does appear you will be like Him. - Gene R. Cook, "Charity: Perfect and Everlasting Love," Ensign (CR), May 2002, p.82

God loves every one of his children—of that we are absolutely assured, we know it in our hearts—but God needs instruments of his love. He needs those who can carry his love and make it meaningful and personal in the lives of others. The shepherd’s search for the lost sheep was a mission of grace and so was the joyful journey of the forgiving father when he ran to meet the penitent prodigal who had come to himself and had, with trepidation, started home. - Marion D. Hanks, "Gifts You Can't Wrap," New Era, December 1972

“In all their afflictions he was afflicted. And the angel of his presence saved them, and in his love, and in his pity, he redeemed them, and bore them, and carried them all the days of old” (D&C 133:52–53).

It seems evident that the Lord is afflicted each time we are afflicted, that he will send angels to help us, and that in his love he helps us daily, whether we know it or not. How our hearts ought to be drawn out in gratitude for the grace of the Father and the Son! - Gene R. Cook, "The Grace of the Lord," New Era, December 1988

God’s love fills the immensity of space; therefore, there is no shortage of love in the universe, only in our willingness to do what is needed to feel it. To do this, Jesus explained we must “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, … soul, … strength, and … mind; and thy neighbour as thyself” (Luke 10:27). - John H. Groberg, "The Power of God's Love," Ensign (CR) November 2004

All the world needs to be taught of the great redeeming power of the Savior’s love. He loves us so much he has promised to forgive us of those things we do that are wrong and remember them no more if we will only repent and come unto him (see D&C 58:42). He loves us so much that he was willing to pay the price for those sins. He suffered for us. He died for us. He said, Come follow me; cast your burdens on the Lord. His desire is to lift us, to help us, to guide us, to save us. - Rex D. Pinegar, "The Gift of Love," Ensign (CR) November 1978

As we step back and try to understand this love of God, we are astounded by its profound impact. At its center is the reality of a literal Father in Heaven whose love for His children knows no bounds. All truths, wisdom, power, goodness, and love He desires to share with His children, whom He created and sent to earth. He would have us reach up and know Him as a Father, as one who forgives, as a helper, as friend, as lawgiver—as one anxious to grant to every man the full opportunity of His love and potential and ultimately the blessing to one day become like Him. This love from Father in Heaven and its effects upon one of His children or the whole world is miraculous and contagious. He is constantly and everlastingly watching over us to lovingly and gently nudge us along. - James M. Paramore, "Love One Another," Ensign (CR) May 1981

The Almighty is blessing his church and his people. He is watching over them. He neither slumbers nor sleeps as he guides, directs, and moves in his own “mysterious way His wonders to perform.” (Hymns, no. 48.) - Gordon B. Hinckley, "He Slumbers Not, Nor Sleeps," Ensign (CR) May 1983

The world is not just a watch that the Lord wound up and left to run down. By the exercise of faith men can call upon God and obtain his help in fulfillment of the promises he has made. Also, of his own volition, God intervenes and controls the affairs of men, of nations, and the very elements that make up the universe when this is necessary for the preservation of his divine purposes. - Henry D. Moyle, Conference Report, April 1963, Second Day Morning Meeting, p.44

The faith that God is concerned with the affairs of men has been a source of comfort and strength to the generations of mankind. It has assured puny man, infinitely small as he appears in the midst of universal vastness, that he is under the watch-care of his Heavenly Father. This faith has inspired him to mighty works, and has given him courage to meet the diverse issues of life. Without this faith, man could live only a faltering, doubting life. With it, certainty and gladness enter the heart, as in the words of David, "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters." - James Talmage, "An Understandable Religion," p. 42

Life has its share of some fear and some failure. Sometimes things fall short, don’t quite measure up. Sometimes in both personal and public life, we are seemingly left without strength to go on. Sometimes people fail us, or economies and circumstance fail us, and life with its hardship and heartache can leave us feeling very alone.

But when such difficult moments come to us, I testify that there is one thing which will never, ever fail us. One thing alone will stand the test of all time, of all tribulation, all trouble, and all transgression. One thing only never faileth—and that is the pure love of Christ. - Jeffrey R. Holland, "He Loved Them unto the End," Ensign (CR) November 1989

Can you imagine the joy our Heavenly Father must feel when we come to him with the tender faith of a little child and accept the love he has for each of us? He wants us to come to him and has promised that he will be there to welcome us. In the Doctrine and Covenants he has said, “Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you.” (D&C 88:63.) This is our invitation from our Father in Heaven to share in the wondrous blessings he has in store for us. - J. Thomas Fyans, "Draw Near unto Me," Ensign (CR) November 1985

You may not have heard the Lord call you by name, but He knows each one of you and He knows your name. Elder Neal A. Maxwell said: “I testify to you that God has known you individually … for a long, long time (see D&C 93:23). He has loved you for a long, long time. He not only knows the names of all the stars (see Ps. 147:4; Isa. 40:26); He knows your names and all your heartaches and your joys!” - Elaine S. Dalton, "He Knows You by Name," Ensign (CR) May 2005

May it help you to feel an expanded awareness of the Savior’s deep personal involvement in each individual life. He is real. He is near, and he loves more than we can comprehend. - Ruth H. Funk, "Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice," Ensign (CR) November 1978

We will know of God’s love for us. We will understand that we do not ever walk alone. I promise you that you will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you will realize that He was always there beside you. - Thomas S. Monson, "Women's Conference, September 2013

I love the Savior. I feel that as he hung upon the cross and looked out over the dark scene, he saw more than mocking soldiers and cruel taunters. He saw more than crying women and fearful friends. He remembered and saw even more than women at wells or crowds on hills or throngs by seashores. He saw more, much more. He, who knows all and has all power, saw through the stream of time. His huge, magnanimous, loving soul encompassed all eternity and took in all people and all times and all sins and all forgiveness and all everything. Yes, he saw down to you and to me and provided us an all-encompassing opportunity to escape the terrible consequences of death and sin. - John H. Groberg, “The Beauty and Importance of the Sacrament,” Ensign (CR) May 1989

Jesus Christ was filled with unfathomable love as He endured incomprehensible pain, cruelty, and injustice for us. Through His love for us, He rose above otherwise insurmountable barriers. His love knows no barriers. He invites us to follow Him and partake of His unlimited love so we too may rise above the pain and cruelty and injustice of this world and help and forgive and bless. - John H. Groberg, “The Power of God’s Love,” Ensign (CR) November 2004

Do we frequently reject the Lord’s love that He pours out upon us in much more abundance than we are willing to receive? Do we think we have to be perfect in order to deserve His love? When we allow ourselves to feel “encircled about eternally in the arms of his love,” we feel safe, and we realize that we don’t need to be immediately perfect. We must acknowledge that perfection is a process. This is a gospel of eternal progress, and we must remember to appreciate the journey. Eternal means “without beginning or end,” so the encircling of His love is there for us every day. Remember, it’s constant—even when we don’t recognize it. I love Nephi’s description of this great gift: “The love of God … sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things … and the most joyous to the soul.” I testify that this is true. - Bonnie D. Parkin, “Eternally Encircled in His Love,” Ensign (CR) November 2006

Love is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the pathway of discipleship. It comforts, counsels, cures, and consoles. It leads us through valleys of darkness and through the veil of death. In the end love leads us to the glory and grandeur of eternal life. - Joseph B. Wirthlin, “The Great Commandment,” Ensign (CR) November 2007

Beyond comprehension, my brothers and sisters, is the love of God for us. Because of this love, He sent His Son, who loved us enough to give His life for us, that we might have eternal life. As we come to understand this incomparable gift, our hearts will be filled with love for our Eternal Father, for our Savior, and for all mankind. - Thomas S. Monson, “Love—the Essence of the Gospel,” Ensign (CR) May 2014

Brothers and sisters, if God loves us enough to send us prophets, then we need to love Him enough to follow them. Following the prophets will help protect us against the storms of life and lead us to Christ. - Sheldon F. Child, "A Sure Foundation," Ensign (CR), November 2003

We need to know that He sees the good in us. Feeling His love encourages us to press forward, reassures us that we are His, and confirms to us that He cherishes us even when we stumble and experience temporary setbacks. - Bonnie D. Parkin, “Eternally Encircled in His Love,” Ensign (CR) October 2006

My prayer for each of us is that we will remember when the Lord has spoken His peace to us and has encircled us in the arms of His love. And just as important, will you, if you haven’t felt that love for a while, seek to see it and feel it as you go about the ordinary tasks of your life. As you do this, over the days and months and years of your life, the memories of those interactions with the Lord will become sweet gifts to open a second time—or many times—to bolster you when life is difficult. - Kathleen H. Hughes, “Remembering the Lord’s Love,” Ensign (CR) October 2006

But we should be earnestly seeking and striving to correct and improve our own attitude and our own behavior. God has so ordained it. He loves us and believes in us and has done and will do anything he can to help us, but he will not impose on our free agency. "We love him," says the scripture, "because he first loved us." (1 Jn. 4:19.) He does not love us because we love him; he loves us unconditionally. - Marion D. Hanks, "Agency and Love," Ensign (CR), November 1983, p. 21

When faced with the agony of Gethsemane where he endured such pain that his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground, he exemplified the epitome of true love, the pinnacle of perfection by saying, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42.) - Thomas S. Monson, "Pathways to Perfection," p. 180

When filled with God's love, we can do and see and understand things that we could not otherwise do or see or understand. Filled with His love, we can endure pain, quell fear, forgive freely, avoid contention, renew strength, and bless and help others in ways surprising even to us. - John H. Groberg, “The Power of God's Love,” Ensign (CR), November 2004, p.9

Jesus lived with the poor. He appeared as one of them. He cast his lot with the lowly and dejected classes of society. You will recall when John the Baptist sent his disciples to be reassured, Jesus said, “Tell John the poor have the gospel preached to them.” (See Luke 7:22.) Can you think of any leader aspiring to greatness and recognition who ever thought of beginning with the poor? Please remember that the higher circles were open to him, but he never deserted the meek and the humble. He remained their friend.Was not this a manifestation of his great love? - Alma Sonne, “Conference Report,” October 1963, Second Day-Morning Meeting, p.54

Oh, it is wonderful to know that our Heavenly Father loves us—even with all our flaws! His love is such that even should we give up on ourselves, He never will. - Joseph B. Wirthlin, “The Great Commandment,” Ensign (CR) November 2007

The Bible tells us that “God is love.” He is the perfect embodiment of love, and we rely heavily on the constancy and universal reach of that love. As President Thomas S. Monson has expressed: “God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there.” – D. Todd Christofferson, “Abide in My Love,” Ensign (CR) November 2016

There are many ways to describe and speak of divine love. One of the terms we hear often today is that God’s love is “unconditional.” While in one sense that is true, the descriptor unconditional appears nowhere in scripture. Rather, His love is described in scripture as “great and wonderful love,” “perfect love,” “redeeming love,” and “everlasting love.” These are better terms because the word unconditional can convey mistaken impressions about divine love, such as, God tolerates and excuses anything we do because His love is unconditional, or God makes no demands upon us because His love is unconditional, or all are saved in the heavenly kingdom of God because His love is unconditional. God’s love is infinite and it will endure forever, but what it means for each of us depends on how we respond to His love. – D. Todd Christofferson, “Abide in My Love,” Ensign (CR) November 2016

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