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"Elder James E. Talmage said,
'gratitude is twin sister to humility; pride is a foe to both.' Also,
President James E. Faust has said, 'A
grateful heart is a beginning of greatness.' In times of trial we
can accept with gratefulness that which is to come, a gratitude for the
blessings and gifts the Lord has in reserve for those who keep the
commandments and serve Him in thanksgiving." - Gordon T. Watts, "Gratitude,"
Ensign (CR), November 1998, p.83
"Gratitude begins with
attitude. While to some every apple shines, to others the remaining
blemishes after the polishing process are all that's visible. We must
use caution not to be drawn into the growing populous of ungrateful
people who have become calloused to blessings as they bicker in misery.
"Joy and happiness are born of gratitude." - Gordon T. Watts, "Gratitude,"
Ensign (CR), November 1998, p.83