The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Disabilities/Handicaps

"You parents and you families whose lives must be reordered because of a handicapped one, whose resources and time must be devoted to them, are special heroes. You are manifesting the works of God with every thought, with every gesture of tenderness and care you extend to the handicapped loved one. Never mind the tears nor the hours of regret and discouragement; never mind the times when you feel you cannot stand another day of what is required. You are living the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ in exceptional purity. And you perfect yourselves in the process."—Elder Boyd K. Packer, The Moving Of The Water, General Conference, April 1991 

"Little wonder that Joseph Smith would say, 'All the minds and spirits that God ever sent into the world are susceptible of enlargement.' (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 354.) It came to me forcefully that God expects that His handicapped children will be given an opportunity for that enlargement, and that His disciples will accept the great responsibility to be concerned that they are. 'Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.' (Gal. 6:2.)"—Elder Marion D. Hanks, More Joy And Rejoicing, General Conference, October 1976 

"How are the works of God manifest in these, our handicapped brothers and sisters? Surely they are manifested greatly in the loving care and attention given by parents, other family members, friends, and associates. The handicapped are not on trial. Those of us who live free of such limitations are the ones who are on trial. While those with handicaps cannot be measured in the same way as others, many benefit immensely from each accomplishment, no matter how small."—Elder James E. Faust, The Works of God, General Conference, October 1984 

"Certainly, in the infinite mercy of God, those with physical and mental limitations will not remain so after the resurrection. At this time, Alma says, 'the spirit and the body shall be reunited again in its perfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame.' (Alma 11:43.) Afflictions, like mortality, are temporary."—Elder James E. Faust, The Works of God, General Conference, October 1984 

"Our lives are blessed as we learn lessons from trusted friends whose disabilities and humility invite the Spirit. They teach us a new dimension of faith, courage, patience, love, and individual worth. Four young men with severe disabilities work in the Sao Paulo Temple. Each has a different challenge, but each is blessing the lives of thousands as they contribute to the sweet spirit within this beautiful temple. 'Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God' (D&C 18:10)."—Elder W. Craig Zwick, Encircled in the Saviour's Love, General Conference, October 1995 

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