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"Some years ago it was my privilege and pleasure to labor in Australia as a
missionary. There was a gentleman there who was handed some discourses delivered
by the general authorities of the Church, at these general conferences, and in
speaking to me sometime later regarding the discourses he had read, he made this
remark: 'Mr. Duckworth, one thing that
has impressed me, with reference to the teachings that are delivered in your
general conferences by the general authorities of your Church, is this, that
they are essentially of a practical character; they deal with the every day
problems of life, and they are not related solely to the spiritual concern of
your people.' It made a deep impression
upon my mind at the time, and I have often remarked about it since, that the
teachings that were given by our general authorities in the gatherings of the
Saints relate to the taking care of the body just as well as the taking care of
the spirit of man. They teach us how to take care of our bodies; they teach us
that beautiful law known as the Word of Wisdom. They teach us that we should be
clean in our bodies, that we should keep our bodies pure and in such a way that
we may be in a fit condition for the enjoyment of the Spirit of our Father, for
he will not dwell in unclean tabernacles, and it is just as essential that we
shall keep our bodies clean as that we shall keep our spirits clean.