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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Joanne B. Doxey

"Sisters in Zion, could there be a more rewarding calling than to labor in the Lord's vineyard for the salvation of souls? We have the choice privilege of strengthening families and influencing those who have been placed in our care, as well as those who have preceded us beyond the veil. Lest we think the task is too hard, be reminded that angels will be round about us to bear us up if we are willing to do our part. The promised blessings are almost more than we can imagine.

"We have been blessed by a prophet of God in our day as he said: 'We pray for you. We sustain you. We honor you as you bear, nourish, train, teach, and love for eternity. I promise you the blessings of heaven and 'all that [the] Father hath' (see D&C 84:38) as you magnify the noblest calling of all' (Benson, To the Mothers in Zion, p. 13)." - Joanne B. Doxey, "Strengthening the Family," Ensign, Nov. 1987, 92

“True personal worth comes from a secure relationship with Heavenly Father. Individual worth is intrinsic, it is internal; it is eternal. It is something that cannot be taken from us when the blossom of youth fades, when economic conditions leave us desolate, when sickness or handicaps befall us, or when prominence and visibility are obscured.” - Joanne B. Doxey, “Strengthening the Family,” Ensign (CR), November 1987, p. 90

A loving Heavenly Father knew we would need help to learn again the basic things we had once been taught in the heavenly councils. So He gave us the gift of the Holy Ghost to bring all things to our remembrance, and living prophets to direct us. He also provided scriptures to teach us, commandments to help us become like the Savior, and covenants to remind us of our solemn responsibility to remember Him. - Joanne B. Doxey, "Remember Him," Ensign (CR) November 1989

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R. Scott Birk
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Revised: December 06, 2009