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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - John Wells

"Tithing matters have been touched by our President, and incidentally by two or three other speakers. We have recently had a tithing settlement, and the tithes of the Church have materially increased. Crops in most districts have been bountiful, and some of our brethren have been blessed with larger incomes, as a result of the high prices obtaining for certain products. The Lord has blessed this land, and he has done so because it is occupied by his people. As we pay our tithes and offerings gladly and willingly, as a part of our service to the Lord, so will he bless this land. What was once a barren waste is now a marvel to those who travel through this country." - John Wells, "Conference Report," April 1926, Afternoon Session, p.120

What an inspiration and strength it gives to know there is someone who is so interested in us that if we will take upon us his name and keep his commandments, he, in turn, promises that his spirit shall abide with us. In the many trials and temptations of life, what a source of comfort this promise gives. When partaken of often and in the proper spirit, it is a safeguard against evil, and we shall develop an intimate fellowship with God and with one another. It will give us a richness of spirit, and it will uplift, ennoble and develop an active, living faith within us. - John Wells, Conference Report, October 1936, Afternoon Meeting, p.47

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R. Scott Birk
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Revised: September 27, 2008