The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Living the Gospel

"By living the gospel of Jesus Christ, we develop within ourselves a living spring that will quench eternally our thirst for happiness, peace, and everlasting life." — Joseph B. Wirthlin, Living Water to Quench Spiritual Thirst, General Conference, April 1995

"The gospel gives purpose to our lives. It is the way to happiness. Our success, individually and as a church, will largely be determined by how faithfully we focus on living the gospel in the home." — Spencer W. Kimball, Let Us Move Forward And Upward, General Conference, April 1979

"And what God has revealed to us, which we call our religion, is not only theoretical but eminently practical. It could not be otherwise and be the Gospel of life and salvation. A religion that is exclusively theoretical, that is merely a matter of faith producing no legitimate works or fruits of that faith is dead. There are many dead forms of religion in the world; and as a matter of course they are without force and effect. But the Gospel of the Son of God revealed anew from heaven in our age and time, and which his people have espoused, is a living faith, producing in its votaries its legitimate fruits — love, joy, peace and good works." — Erastus Snow, Journal of Discourses, Vol.23, p.84

"It is not too late to commit ourselves to living the gospel totally while here on earth. Each day we must be committed to lofty Christian performance because commitment to the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ is essential to our eternal joy and happiness. The time to commit and recommit is now." — Marvin J. Ashton, The Word Is Commitment, General Conference, October 1983

"Today we are not called to pull handcarts through the snow-swept plains of Wyoming. However, we are called to live, foster, and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our privilege to invest our means and our time to bless others. Each one of us must do all we can to preserve our Latter-day Saint way of life. A vital part of this preservation is a willingness to set aside personal desires and replace them with unselfish sacrifice for others." — M. Russell Ballard, The Blessings Of Sacrifice, General Conference, April 1992

"Those who live the gospel and introduce it into their daily lives will find no reason to deny its power to save and uplift mankind." — Alma Sonne, Conference Report, October 1966

"If parents will live according to the Gospel, will send their children to be taught in Church organizations and indeed will augment that teaching with teaching and example in the home, then two great forces, the family and the Church, will converge upon the individual youngster to bring about a wholeness, a spiritual health, a oneness without which neither happiness nor salvation can be obtained." — Joseph F. Smith, Conference Report, April 1944

"Most Latter-day Saints are genuinely motivated to acquire the qualities of our Savior. We should be pleased to discover that much of this growth and refinement comes to us as a natural consequence of simply living the gospel. For example, as we love and serve others in Christlike ways, we too are blessed by the Lord with increased love, spiritual capacity, and an overall refinement of our own gifts, graces, and abilities. Indeed, much is added unto us by the Lord if we use our time here on earth wisely, above all preparing to meet God and seeking first his kingdom (see Alma 12:24; Matt. 6:33)." - Jack H Goaslind, "Look to the Future with Optimism," Ensign, April 1997, p. 27

"The pain of loneliness seems to be part of the mortal experience. But the Lord in His mercy has made it so that we need never deal with the challenges of mortality alone.

"I was thinking about this recently as I sat through a meeting where the speaker seemed preoccupied with how hard it is to live the gospel. By the end of the meeting, I was depressed. He had made living the gospel seem like a sentence to life on the rock pile. It's not living the gospel that's hard. Its life that's hard. Its picking up the pieces when covenants have been compromised or values violated that's hard. The gospel is the Good News that provides us the tools to cope with the mistakes, the heartaches, the disappointments we can expect to experience here." - Sheri L. Dew, "We Are Not Alone," Ensign (CR), November 1998, p.94

"The power of one person is apparent throughout the scriptures as we see the influence of an Abraham, of a Joseph, a Moses, of Peter and Paul, of a Nephi, of Abinadi, Alma, and Ammon, and of Mormon and Moroni. There were Sarah and Rebekah and Esther and Hannah, and Sariah and Mary and so many more—even Joseph and Emma. Yes, these were mighty men and women of God; but they were often alone, standing as one, even as each of us on occasion must stand alone in a sometimes hostile world. Yet as these valiant servants of the Lord were not entirely alone, neither will we be, if we are worthy of His companionship and the companionship of the Holy Spirit. The Lord gave this promise to His faithful servants: 'For I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up' (D&C 84:88). We may be one, but we need not be entirely alone." - Wm. Rolfe Kerr, "Behold Your Little Ones," Ensign (CR), November 1996, p.80

"'But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God.

"'And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted (Jacob 2:18-19).'

"The foundation and perspective then are these: We must first seek the kingdom, work and plan and spend wisely, plan for the future, and use what wealth we are blessed with to help build up that kingdom. When guided by this eternal perspective and by building on this firm foundation, we can pursue with confidence our daily tasks and our life's work, which must be carefully planned and diligently pursued." - N. Eldon Tanner, "Constancy Amid Change," Ensign (CR), November 1979, p.80

"Even as the Lord organized the Church, we who have the gospel need to organize our lives to do what has to be done, to become 'doers of the word' (James 1:22), and in the doing to come to know strength in the Lord. That strength comes when we prepare for his blessings, recognize them, and use his gifts to make his ways our ways." - Barbara B. Smith, "A Season for Strength," Ensign (CR), November 1983, p.84

"May this group here today, and those who listen on the radio and television, resolve to live better hereafter so that we can die better. May God bless every single one of you, that you may live as long as you want to live and as long as you ought to live. Remember, each day of life is so precious we must not let it carelessly slip away." - Thorpe B. Isaacson, "Conference Report," October 1959, Third Day—Morning Meeting, p.97

“This testimony I found in my early youth. It has remained with me as a certain knowledge all these years. I have discovered, as you have, I am quite, sure, the method by which such a testimony may be kept alive, blossoming, useful in human life. The formula is simple: Live the gospel every day, practice it, and study it regularly; do not let the affairs of the day that deal with the making of our temporal living crowd aside matters that pertain to the gospel. If we use this formula, our testimony will become increasingly certain, will grow, will expand in meaning and comprehension.” - John A. Widtsoe, “Conference Report,” October 1943, Afternoon Meeting, p. 112

“As Latter-day-Saints we are frequently admonished to live our religion. I understand that to live our religion is to love the Lord our God with all our might, mind and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves, and speak of all the best we can. I understand that to live my religion is to mind my own business attend to my own affairs, work out my own salvation, and magnify my calling. I understand that to live my religion is to trust in the Lord and do good; to seek earnestly for the blessing of the Almighty, and to be filled with gratitude to Him that I have the privilege of being a member of His Church, that I have a living testimony, that I have become sanctified through the precious blood of Christ, and that I have the fellowship of the Holy Ghost.” - George Teasdale, “Conference Report,” October 1902, Third Day—Morning Session, p. 72

"As we progress and become more like the Savior, we can strengthen every group with whom we associate, including families and friends. The Lord places us in these communities of Saints where we can learn and apply gospel principles to our everyday lives. These groups are at the same time both a school, a proving ground, and a laboratory where we both learn and do as we practice living the gospel." - Joseph B. Wirthlin, "The Time to Prepare," Ensign (CR), May 1998, p. 14

"This should be our aim as a people and as individuals, every day living so near to God that we shall have more of His Spirit and power, and more of the gifts and endowments of the holy Gospel of the Son of God. If we take and continue in this course we shall feel and understand that we are progressing in the knowledge of God and in the comprehension of truth. And let me tell you, my brethren and sisters, if we thus live, when counsel is given, no matter what it may be, or what principle it may refer to, it will be plain and simple, and as clear unto our minds as the light we now see; and our understandings will be enlightened by it and we shall see beauty in it." - George Q. Cannon, "Journal of Discourses," 26 vols., 13:374

In this difficult environment we will be expected to steer our own course in an upward direction. As President Kimball has warned us, it will neither be acceptable nor safe to remain on the plateaus where our present conduct has kept us. Abrupt downward forces, represented by increasing wickedness in the world, can only be offset by forces that move correspondingly upward. Our lives must be better than they have ever been before. - Dean L. Larson, “A Royal Generation,” Ensign (CR) April 1983

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