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"The only one who can accomplish the healing of a sick soul is
the Great Physician Himself, our Father in Heaven, through His Son,
Jesus Christ. Jesus promised those who will come to Him with full
purpose of heart and repent: "I shall heal them" (3 Ne. 18:32). The
Church cannot heal; priesthood leaders do not heal; only an omnipotent
God can accomplish the miracle of spiritual healing." - Malcolm S. Jeppsen, "A Divine Prescription for Spiritual Healing," Ensign (CR), May 1994, p. 17
"Where do we stand with the Lord? Are we happy with our own
spirituality? Do we like what we see? Is the Holy Ghost our companion
in life? Do we recognize the promptings of the Holy Spirit? The answers
to these and other similar self-examination questions may help us to
diagnose any spiritual illness which we may have." - Malcolm S. Jeppsen, "A Divine Prescription for Spiritual Healing," Ensign (CR), May 1994, p. 17
"Friendship is an extremely important part of your life. Someone
has said a true friend is someone who makes it easier to live the
gospel of Jesus Christ." - Malcolm S. Jeppsen, "Who Is A True Friend?" Ensign (CR) April 1990