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"Patience is truly a mighty virtue and can be developed as we become
peacemakers and make up our mind to be patient within our own life as
well as with others." - Franklin D. Richards, "Be
Peacemaker," Ensign, November 1983, p. 58
"Life is full of difficulties, some minor and others of a more serious
nature. There seems to be an unending supply of challenges for one and
all. Our problem is that we often expect instantaneous solutions to
such challenges, forgetting that frequently the heavenly virtue of
patience is required." - Thomas S. Monson, "Patience-A
Virtue," Ensign, November 1995, p. 59
"It is not an easy church to belong to. The gospel requires dedication
and sacrifice. It is not an easy church to administer. With the
patterns of the priesthood as they are, men and women are called from
every walk of life to teach and to lead and to serve. We have members
with every level of gospel knowledge, leadership ability, talents, and
testimony. We learn to be patient with one another." - Boyd K.
Packer, "The
Followers of Christ," Ensign, April 1998, p. 66
"The dues of discipleship are high indeed, and how much we can take so
often determines how much we can then give! I believe it was George
MacDonald who observed that in the process of life, we are not always
the already-tempered and helpful hammer which is shaping and pounding
another. Sometimes we are merely the anvil. Thus, as already
indicated, patience is a vital virtue in relation to our faith, our
free agency, our attitude toward life, our humility, and our
suffering. Moreover, patience will not be an obsolete attribute in the
next world!" - Neal A. Maxwell, "Patience,"
October 1980, p. 30
"Amid the frustrations at having done what is right only to see things
go wrong, faith is taxed unless it is augmented by patience. We often
need to wait for better perspective than the present provides. Then,
as the darkness of disappointment yields to the dawn's light, purposes
previously hidden become apparent. However, if in our frustrations we
'rush to judgment' by being upset or angry, we let loose a flood of
toxic emotions. The workhorse virtues of faith and patience can
prevent, dilute, dissolve, as well as 'mop up' after such toxic floods
of feelings." - Neal A. Maxwell, "Lord, Increase Our Faith," p.118
"The greatest scriptural examples of patience are found in the life of
Jesus Christ. His long-suffering and endurance are best demonstrated
on that excruciating night in Gethsemane as He uttered, in His atoning
agony, 'O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me:
nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt' (Matthew
26:39). He truly suffered and bore and endured all things.
"While nailed to the cross on Calvary, Christ continued in His perfect
example of patience as He uttered the singular words, 'Father, forgive
them; for they know not what they do' (Luke
"These examples of patience have greater meaning for us when we
consider the admonition found in 3 Nephi: 'Therefore, what manner of
men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am' (3
Nephi 27:27)." - Robert C. Oaks, "The
Power of Patience," Ensign, November 2006
"As we try to deal patiently and lovingly every day with fussy babies,
challenging teenagers, difficult roommates, less-active spouses, or
elderly, disabled parents, we may ask ourselves: 'Is what I am doing
really important? Does it matter or make a difference?' Dear sisters,
what you are doing with your families matters! It matters so very,
very much. Daily, each of us learns and relearns at home that charity,
the Savior's pure love, never faileth. So many Relief Society sisters
do great good serving in their families. These faithful women do not
receive the praise of the world—nor do they seek it—but 'of some have
compassion, making a difference.' (Jude
1:22.)" - Anne C. Pingree, "Charity:
One Family, One Home at a Time," Ensign (CR), November 2002,
"Patience involves the temperate acceptance of the passage of time.
Patience also requires us to optimally use the time which we have
available to us, for the Lord has declared that 'he who is faithful
and wise in time is accounted worthy to inherit the mansions prepared
for him of my Father' (D&C
72:4). The desire to use time wisely has given rise to an
explosion of diversified time-management devices, daily planners, and
the like. There is, of course, justifiable merit in using calendars
and appointment books of various kinds to help bring order to our
lives. But none of these time-management materials can help us to
establish the specific content of our priorities. They may
help us order the things which must be done today, and tasks
that should be accomplished today, and activities which
would be nice to do if time permits. However, it is up to us
to allocate adequate time in reading the scriptures, in prayer and
meditation, and in serving others 'after hours.'" - Spencer J.
Condie, In Perfect Balance , p.22
certain amount of impatience may be useful to stimulate and motivate
us to action. However, I believe that a lack of patience is a major
cause of the difficulties and unhappiness in the world today. Too
often, we are impatient with ourselves, with our family members and
friends, and even with the Lord. We seem to demand what we want right
now, regardless of whether we have earned it, whether it would be good
for us, or whether it is right. Some seek immediate gratification or
numbing of every impulse by turning to alcohol and drugs, while others
seek instant material wealth by questionable investments or by
dishonesty, with little or no regard for the consequences. Perhaps the
practice of patience is more difficult, yet more necessary, now than
at any previous time." — Joseph
B. Wirthlin, "Patience,
a Key to Happiness," Ensign
(CR), May 1987, p.30
“Learn how to pray and how to receive answers to your prayers. When
you pray over some things, you must patiently wait a long, long time
before you will receive an answer. Some prayers, for your own
safety, must be answered immediately, and some promptings will even
come when you haven't prayed at all.” - Boyd K. Packer,
“Spiritual Crocodiles,” Ensign (CR), May 1976, p. 30
have learned this also, the value of patience. Events fly so swiftly
by us that they are not seen in their proper relation, We little
understand the movement of time. It takes time to bring to pass the
fruition of God's purposes. Not always are the combinations seen in a
few years, in a generation even. Men and women plod out their slow
lives in their menial duties, and in the offices and callings that
come to mortality, sometimes fretting and sometimes wondering if God
will never justify their sacrifices; but lo, and behold, a generation
passes; their sons follow them and their sons stand in their stead;
and lo, the work of the Lord has been accomplished in the thing that
they hitherto had undertaken! A pioneer goes into a far distant
country. In travail, trouble, poverty and distress, he plows the
ground, sows and reaps, and sees the fruitage gone year after year,
perhaps, but finally the culmination comes, where a temple is reared
upon the very place he first set his foot, and the land blossoms under
the blessing of the Almighty. He was the beginning of it, the one who
spread the way and who opened up the means for the accomplishment of
the thing that ultimately the Lord, our heavenly Father, gave to him
and to his succeeding generations.” - William A. Hyde, “Conference
Report,” April 1924, Third Day—Morning Session, p. 102
"Waiting can be hard.
Children know it, and so do adults. We live in a world offering fast
food, instant messaging, on-demand movies, and immediate answers to the
most trivial or profound questions. We don’t like to wait. Some even
feel their blood pressure rise when their line at the grocery store
moves slower than those around them.
"Patience—the ability to put our desires on hold for a time—is a
precious and rare virtue. We want what we want, and we want it now.
Therefore, the very idea of patience may seem unpleasant and, at times,
"Nevertheless, without patience, we cannot please God; we cannot become
perfect. Indeed, patience is a purifying process that refines
understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action, and offers hope for
peace." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Continue
in Patience," Ensign (CR) May 2010
In our approach to life,
patience also helps us to realize that while we may be ready to move on,
having had enough of a particular learning experience, our continuing
presence is often a needed part of the learning environment of others.
Patience is thus closely connected with two other central attributes of
Christianity—love and humility. - Neal
A. Maxwell, "Notwithstanding My Weakness," p.66
All through the scriptures the loftier
expectation is expressed by the Lord and His apostles: Believe, repent,
obey the ordinances, walk in the light of the Spirit, endure in
faith—yes! But also, manifest your discipleship in civility, in
gentility and tender compassion, in kindness and consideration, in
patience and forbearance and refusal to condemn, in forgiveness and
mercy. - Marion D. Hanks, "More
Joy and Rejoicing," Ensign (CR), November 1976, p.31
My dear brethren, the work of patience boils down to this: keep the
commandments; trust in God, our Heavenly Father; serve Him with meekness
and Christlike love; exercise faith and hope in the Savior; and never
give up. The lessons we learn from patience will cultivate our
character, lift our lives, and heighten our happiness. They will help us
to become worthy priesthood bearers and faithful disciples of our
Master, Jesus Christ. - Dieter F.
Uchtdorf, "Continue
in Patience," Ensign (CR) May 2010
We must have
patience in order to withstand pain and grief without complaint or
discouragement, which detract from the Spirit. It’s necessary to
have patience in the face of tribulation and persecution for the
cause of truth, which sets an example because the manner in which we
bear our cross will be an influence to others to help lighten their
load. - Angel Abrea, “Patience
in Affliction,” Ensign (CR) April 1992
Book of Mormon provides insight into the relationship between
patience and charity. Mormon, after pointing out that if a man
“have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have
charity,” goes on to name the 13 elements of charity, or the
pure love of Christ. I find it most interesting that 4 of the 13
elements of this must-have virtue relate to patience (see Moroni
7:44–45). - Robert
C. Oaks, “The
Power of Patience,” Ensign (CR) October 2006
He says, "ask," "seek," and "knock." It's as if he were standing there
with outstretched hands, waiting for us to reach out and take them. If
we do not reach out, he cannot help. - Eldred G. Smith,
“Conference Report,” October 1967, Afternoon Meeting, p.82
be our constant companion during the journey which carries us toward
that great goal, “Continue in patience until ye are perfected,” the
counsel the Lord
gave to the elders of the Church. (D&C
67:13.) – Angel Abrea, “Patience
Affliction,” Ensign (CR) May 1992