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"The kind of emphasis that is given to an idea is sometimes about as
important as the idea itself. Recently a minister on the radio said that he
never talked about the Ten Commandments in his church anymore because they were
too far out of date. He also said that their language was too harsh for the weak
sensibilities of our day. This minister felt that instead of using such strong
terms as command and Thou shalt not, the Lord should have employed some softer
words such as I recommend or I suggest or I advise. But soft words frequently
produce soft attitudes with weak meanings and built-in violations.
We know that the destructive permissiveness of our present day causes some of
our most serious sins. But the Lord allowed no permissiveness to get into the
Ten Commandments. He came down onto the Mount in a cloud of fire from which the
smoke ascended as from a furnace. He came with such power that the mountain
quaked and the people themselves trembled. Then, to the accompaniment of the
lightnings and thunders of that sacred mountain, God gave the people their basic
law and listed some of those things that they must not do." - Sterling W.
Sill, "Thou
Shalt Not," Ensign, Dec. 1971, p. 93