The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Pornography

"Certainly our moral standards of decency and propriety have slipped from where they were in 1947. The obscenity, nudity, and other forms of pornography that would have made us blush and turn away in shame in 1947 are now thrust at us openly in printed and audiovisual material. They are even paraded through our homes unless we are careful to keep them out. As a people, we are slipping further from our old moorings today because we are not following our prophets." — Joseph B. Wirthlin, Patience, a Key to Happiness, General Conference, April 1987

"Be clean. Watch what you read. No good and much harm can come of reading pornographic magazines and other such literature. They will only stimulate within you thoughts that will weaken your discipline of yourself. No good will come of going to movies that are designed to take from you your money and give you in exchange only weakened wills and base desires." — Gordon B. Hinckley, Four B's for Boys, General Conference, October 1981

"Satan, the very devil and the father of all lies, has slyly and slowly lowered the social norms of morality to a tragic and destructive level. In magazines and books, on CDs and tapes, on our television and theater screens is portrayed more and more often a lifestyle that might even rival the excesses of those who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. The screens, music, and printed materials, etc., are filled with a profusion of sex, nudity, and vulgarity.... This trash is nothing more nor less than pornography dressed in one of its many imitation robes of splendor--one of the master counterfeiter's best products." — H. Burke Peterson, Ensign, Nov. 1993 page 42

"Every ounce of pornography and immoral entertainment will cause you to lose a pound of spirituality. And it will only take a few ounces of immorality to cause you to lose all of your spiritual strength, for the Lord's Spirit will not dwell in an unclean temple." — Joseph B. Wirthlin, Little Things Count, BYU Speeches of the Year, 26 October 1986

"We need to remember Edmund Burke's statement: 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.' We need to raise our voices with other concerned citizens throughout the world in opposition to current trends. We need to tell the sponsors of offensive media that we have had enough. We need to support programs and products that are positive and uplifting. Joining together with neighbors and friends who share our concerns, we can send a clear message to those responsible. The Internet Web sites and their local affiliates will have their addresses. Letters and e-mails have more effect than most people realize, especially those like one sent by a Relief Society sister that stated, 'I represent a group of over a hundred women that meets every week and often talks about the harm your program is doing to our children.'" - M. Russell Ballard, "
Let Our Voices Be Heard," Ensign (CR), November 2003, p.16

"As popular culture across the world degenerates, sleaze increasingly saturates the media, entertainment, advertising, and the Internet. But popularity according to the world’s prevailing norms is a very perilous scale to use to measure what’s right or even what’s not dangerous. A movie or television show may be well known and well liked by millions of viewers and nevertheless portray images and conduct that are pornographic. If something in a movie 'isn’t too bad,' that automatically means that it isn’t too good either. Thus, the fact that others watch movies or open Web sites that aren’t appropriate is no excuse for us. Priesthood holders’ lives should emulate the standards of the Savior and His Church, not the standards of the world." - L. Whitney Clayton, "
Blessed Are All the Pure in Heart," General Conference, 6 October 2007

“We also need focus to avoid what is harmful. The abundant information and images accessible on the Internet call for sharp focus and control to avoid accessing the pornography that is an increasing scourge in our society. As the Deseret News noted in a recent editorial, ‘Images that used to be hidden in out-of-the-way store counters now are as close as a mouse click’ (Staying ahead of Pornography, 21-22 Feb. 2001, A12). The Internet has made pornography accessible almost without effort and often without leaving the privacy of one’s home or room. The Internet has also facilitated the predatory activities of adults who use its anonymity and accessibility to stalk children for evil purposes. Parents and youth, beware!” - Dallin H. Oaks, “Focus and Priorities,” Ensign (CR), May 2001, p. 82

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