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"We, as Latter-day Saints, should resolve to hold high our modern-day
'title of liberty' in memory of our God and our religion, our fathers and our
mothers, our flag, and our country (see Alma 46:12, 36). We can
honor through our lives the thousands who died crossing the plains and in the
valleys and settlements. The spiritual values for which they died should ever be
lodged in our hearts. We will carry the torch of faith which they bequeathed to
us to light the way for those who follow." - Vaughn J Featherstone, "Following
in Their Footsteps," Ensign, July 1997, p. 10
“Our families can be given a gift to
know what God would have them do and to learn it in a way that will encourage
them to do it. God has provided such a guide. It is the Holy Ghost. We cannot
give that to our family members as a companion, but they can earn it. The Holy
Ghost can be their constant companion only after they have been faithful and
after they have received the ordinances of baptism and the laying on of hands by
those with proper authority. But even before baptism, a child or an adult can
have the Holy Ghost testify to their hearts of sacred truth. They must act on
that testimony to retain it, but it will guide them toward goodness, and it can
lead them to accept and keep the covenants which will in time bring them the
companionship of the Holy Ghost. We would, if we could, leave our families a
legacy of testimony that it might reach through the generations.” - Henry B.
Eyring, “A Legacy of Testimony,” Ensign (CR), May 1996, p. 62