"The Melchizedek Priesthood is essential for eternal life. Men hold that
holy priesthood and women share fully in its blessings." — Neal A.
Maxwell, "If Thou Endure It Well"
"Power and authority in the priesthood are not necessarily synonymous.
All of us who hold the priesthood have the authority to act for the
Lord, but the effectiveness of our authority--or if you please, the
power that comes through that authority--depends on the pattern of our
lives." — H. Burke Peterson, "Priesthood—Authority And Power," General
Conference, April 1976
"You are to exercise the priesthood in setting the spiritual tone and
building a spiritual foundation in your families. You brethren
have a solemn duty to bless your wives, children and other family
members by the power and authority of the priesthood." — Joseph B.
Wirthlin, "Ensign," Nov. 1988 (October Conference) p. 35
"Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the priesthood's dynamic power
source. By failing to put faith first in our callings, we reduce
the priesthood's light and power." — John K. Carmack, "Ensign," May 1993
(April Conference) p. 41
"I believe that a noble priesthood bearer should have balance in his
life. I have observed that some fathers spend too much time
watching sports on television. This practice has almost become an
addiction in today's world. It should never cause us to neglect
family and Church duties. Television is out of control in some
homes; the set is rarely turned off, regardless of the
programming. Some programs are filthy and evil and are poisoning
the minds of God's children today. Likewise, many movies and
videotapes are blatantly corrupt and evil, making their viewers
insensible to the promptings of the Spirit (see Helaman 4:24).
Satan has made the television and film media among his most effective
tools to destroy minds and souls." — Joseph B. Wirthlin, "The Priesthood
Of God," General Conference, October 1988
"The power of the priesthood is the greatest power and the greatest
force on the face of the earth. Talk about real security! That will be
with us if we keep the commandments of the Lord, and if we keep the
covenants that we have made with the Lord." — Thorpe B. Isaacson,
"General Conference Reports," p. 91, 3 April 1953
"The heavenly power of the Priesthood is with us who hold it here in the
flesh, and it is by that power that we shall prevail and succeed and
overcome, and accomplish the great work of salvation entrusted to us." —
Charles W. Penrose, "General Conference Reports," p. 20, April 1920
"The power of the priesthood should be the dominant influence in family
affairs." — James E. Faust, "Ensign," November 1995, p. 62
"What is priesthood? Well, we've had the definition—it's the power of
the Lord given to man to act for Him in things pertaining to salvation.
But I have a different definition that to me seems more accurate.
Priesthood is the power by which the power of the Almighty works through
man." — Harold B. Lee, "Teachings of Harold B. Lee," p. 482
"But I have reached the conclusion in my own mind that no man, however
great his intellectual attainments, however vast and far-reaching his
service may be, arrives at the full measure of his sonship and the
manhood the Lord intended him to have, without the investiture of the
Holy Priesthood, and with that appreciation, my brethren, I have given
thanks to the Lord all my life for this marvelous blessing which has
come to me -- blessing that some of my progenitors had, and a blessing
which more than any other heritage I want my sons and my grandsons and
my great-grandsons to enjoy." — Stephen L. Richards, "General Conference
Reports," p. 88, 3 October 1955
"Ordinary men-including, and perhaps especially, young men-blessed with
the privilege of holding the priesthood of God may be called upon to do
extraordinary tasks. Holders of the holy priesthood can accomplish
mighty feats of heroism, bravery, and service through faith in that
sacred power." - Jack H. Goaslind, "In
Strength I Can Do All Things," General Conference, April 1997
"Brethren, we must never let the great powers of the holy priesthood of
God lie dormant in us. We are bound together in the greatest cause and
the most sacred work in all the world. To exercise these great powers,
we must be clean in thought and action. We must do nothing which would
impair the full exercise of this transcendent power." - James E. Faust,
the Priesthood," General Conference, April 1997
"Scriptures certify that the priesthood has continued and will continue
'through the lineage of [the] fathers' (D&C
86:8. See also D&C
84:6-17; D&C
107:40; Abr.
1:2-4.) Ordination to its offices has timeless implication as
well. Tenure in priesthood office may extend into postmortal realms. For
example, scriptures declare that one ordained as a high priest may be a
high priest forever. (See Alma
13:9, 14.) Promised blessings of the priesthood extend to men,
women, and children throughout the world and may endure forever. (See Gen.
17:1-7; Gen.
22:16-18; Gen.
26:3-4; Gen.
28:13-14; Isa.
2:2-3; 1 Ne.
15:18; Alma 29:8;
D&C 124:58; D&C
132:47; Abr. 2:11.)"
- Russell M. Nelson, "Constancy
Change," Ensign, November 1993, p. 35
"... the kingdom of God is governed by the authority of the priesthood.
It is not conferred for honor, but for a ministry of service. Priesthood
titles are not created by man; neither are they for adornment, nor do
they express mastership. They denote appointment to service in the work
of the Lord. We are called, sustained, and ordained-not by ourselves,
but "by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in
authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances
thereof." (A of F 1:5;
see also Heb. 5:4.)"
- Russell M. Nelson, "Honoring
Priesthood," Ensign, May 1993, p. 38
"We are Christians because we believe in the Christian lay ministry,
established in the original Church. 'We believe that a man must be
called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who
are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances
thereof.' (A of F 1:5.)
We believe that a call to the ministry is something that 'no man
taketh... unto himself,' but that he must be 'called of God, as was
Aaron.' (Heb. 5:4.) In
other words, we do not believe that a man may call himself to the Lord's
ministry." - Robert E. Wells, "We
Christians Because... ," Ensign, January 1984, p. 19
"Paul wrote concerning the priesthood: 'No man taketh this honour unto
himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.' (Heb.
5:4.) We have not acquired it through purchase or bargain. The
Lord has given it to men who are considered worthy to receive it,
regardless of station in life, the color of their skin, or the nation in
which they live. It is the power and the authority to govern in the
affairs of the kingdom of God. It is given only by ordination by the
laying on of hands by those in authority to do so. The qualification for
eligibility is obedience to the commandments of God." - Gordon B.
Hinckley, "The
of Our Faith," Ensign, November 1984, p. 52
"Yes, with all of the soberness of my soul, I declare that God's house
is a house of order. His holy purposes are not carried out by man's whim
or fancy but, rather, in this church which bears his name, sacred
ordinances can only be performed by proper authority. We agree with Paul
that 'no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of
God, as was Aaron.' (Heb.
5:4.) Priesthood authority of the Lord Jesus Christ was restored
by John the Baptist, by Peter, James, and John in the spring of 1829." -
Robert L. Simpson, "The
Vital Information," Ensign, November 1974, p. 46
"Truly, 'a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on
of hands, by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and
administer in the ordinances thereof.' (Fifth
of Faith.) Those who have desires to do good, and do it, shall be
rewarded, but it is not within the province of any man to set himself up
as a minister of Christ or a light to the world. No man can give himself
the power to baptize, or to confer the Holy Ghost, or to preach, or to
seal men up unto eternal life in God's kingdom. True legal
administrators are 'called of God, as was Aaron.' (Heb.
5:4.)" - Bruce R. McConkie, "Doctrinal New Testament Commentary,"
3 vols. [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965-1973], 2:281
"As the Lord's agents we are bound by
his law to do what he wants us to do regardless of personal feelings
or worldly enticements. Of ourselves we have no message of salvation,
no doctrine that must be accepted, no power to baptize or ordain or
marry for eternity. All these things come from the Lord, and anything
we do with reference to them is the result of delegated authority." -
Joseph Fielding Smith, "Our
As Priesthood Holders," Ensign, June 1971, p. 49
"...we in the restored Church of Jesus Christ can trace the priesthood
line of authority exercised by the newest deacon in the ward, the
bishop who presides over him, and the prophet who presides over all of
us. That line goes back in an unbroken chain to angelic ministers who
came from the Son of God Himself, bearing this incomparable gift from
"And, oh, how we need its blessings-as a Church and as individuals and
families within the Church." - Jeffrey R. Holland, "Our
Distinguishing Feature," General Conference, April 2005
"For those of us who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood, our privilege to
magnify our callings is ever present. We are shepherds watching over
Israel. The hungry sheep look up, ready to be fed the bread of life.
Are we prepared to feed the flock of God? It is imperative that we
recognize the worth of a human soul, that we never give up on one of
His precious sons." - Thomas S. Monson, "Priesthood
Power," Ensign, Nov. 1999, 50
"The Lord has placed in our hands the divine power and
authority to act in all things, to preach the gospel and perform the
ordinances of salvation by which men are sealed up into eternal life.
You are different from the rest of the world." - David B. Haight, "The
of Young Aaronic Priesthood Bearers," Ensign (CR), May 1981, p.40
"I desire to impress upon you the fact that it does not make any
difference whether a man is a priest or an apostle, if he magnifies his
calling. A priest holds the key of the ministering of angels. Never in
my life, as an apostle, as a seventy, or as an elder, have I ever had
more of the protection of the Lord than while holding the office as a
priest. The Lord revealed to me by visions, by revelations, and by the
Holy Spirit, many things that lay before me." - Wilford Woodruff, "The
Discourses of Wilford Woodruff," edited by G. Homer Durham, p.300
"Yes, with all of the soberness of my soul, I declare that God's house
is a house of order. His holy purposes are not carried out by man's whim
or fancy but, rather, in this church which bears his name, sacred
ordinances can only be performed by proper authority. We agree with Paul
that 'no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of
God, as was Aaron.' (Heb.
5:4.) Priesthood authority of the Lord Jesus Christ was restored
by John the Baptist, by Peter, James, and John in the spring of 1829." -
Robert L. Simpson, "The
Vital Information," Ensign (CR), November 1974, p.45
"Th[e] all-encompassing promise is stated by Christ in these words: 'All
that my Father hath shall be given unto him.' (D&C
"Few of us, I suppose, can comprehend all that this promise means. Even
though we know that it includes eternal life, or the inheritance of
exaltation, still it is so great and so wonderful that it defies proper
explanation. It is sufficient for me to know that God in heaven is my
Father and that he will bless me with all he has to offer, if I prove
myself to be a faithful son.
"I stand in humble adoration of my Maker when I realize that he has
sworn and confirmed his part of the agreement with an oath. (See Heb.
6:13-17.) He will never fall short of his promise, nor will he
void it or compromise it in the slightest degree." - Carlos E. Asay, "The
and Covenant of the Priesthood," Ensign (CR), November 1985, p.43
"We who hold the priesthood of God cannot afford to drift. We have work
to do (see Moroni 9:6).
We must arise from the dust of self-indulgence and be men! It is a
wonderful aspiration for a boy to become a man—strong and capable;
someone who can build and create things, run things; someone who makes a
difference in the world. It is a wonderful aspiration for those of us
who are older to make the vision of true manhood a reality in our lives
and be models for those who look to us for an example." - D. Todd
Christofferson, "Let
Be Men," Ensign, November 2006
"My brethren of the priesthood—from
the youngest to the oldest—are you living your life in accordance with
that which the Lord requires? Are you worthy to bear the priesthood of
God? If you are not, make the decision here and now, muster the courage
it will take, and institute whatever changes are necessary so that your
life is what it should be. To sail safely the seas of mortality, we need
the guidance of that eternal mariner—even the great Jehovah. If we are
on the Lord's errand, we are entitled to the Lord's help." - Thomas S.
Monson, "The
Sacred Gift," General Conference, April 2007
"Times may change, circumstances may alter, but the marks of a true
holder of the priesthood of God remain constant.... the mark of
vision... the mark of effort... the mark of faith... the mark of
virtue... the mark of prayer." - Thomas S. Monson, "A
Royal Priesthood," General Conference, 6
October 2007
"This priesthood makes eternal families possible. It allows me, a son,
to turn my heart to my father, who passed away last year, and to be
calm in my hope through the Savior that I will see him again. This
priesthood allows me, as a father, to turn my heart to our two
children who died as infants and to be calm in my hope through the
Savior that I will know them, and they will know I was their earthly
father as I look into their eyes and tell them I love them. It is this
priesthood which has allowed me to see, in the holiness of the temple,
how the power of godliness is manifested to all people who—after
exercising faith in Christ, repenting of their sins, and searching
fervently for happiness—come to make sacred covenants with our
Heavenly Father and receive His holy ordinances that bind on earth as
well as bind in heaven." - Octaviano Tenorio, "The
Power of Godliness Is Manifested in the Temples of God,"
General Conference, 7 October 2007
wonder, brethren, how many of us seriously ponder the inestimable value
of holding the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods. When we consider how
few men who have lived on earth have received the priesthood and how
Jesus Christ has empowered those individuals to act in His name, we
should feel deeply humble and profoundly grateful for the priesthood we
hold." - Richard G. Scott, "Honor the Priesthood and Use It Well,"
General Conference, October 2008
"Our Heavenly Father is desirous
to promote the happiness and welfare of the whole of the human family;
and if we, any of us, hold any Priesthood, it is simply for that same
purpose, and not for our personal aggrandizement, or for our own honor,
or pomp, or position; but we hold it in the interest of God and for the
salvation of the people, that through it we may promote their happiness,
blessing and prosperity, temporal and spiritual, both here and in the
world to come. That is why the Priesthood is conferred upon us, and if
we do not use it in this way, then there is a malfeasance in office;
then we violate our obligations before God, and render ourselves
unworthy of the high calling that the Lord has conferred upon us. The
Priesthood always was given for the blessing of the human family. People
talk about it as though it was for the special benefit of individuals.
What was said of Abraham? 'In
thee and in thy seed' -
what? I will confer blessings upon thee. O, that is all right so
far as it goes. But 'in
thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.'
Let us act in the capacity of benefactors, and if we are descended of
Abraham, let us walk in his footsteps and make ourselves worthy of the
promises, let us extend our feelings wide as eternity, and seek to bless
and benefit, lift up and ennoble all around us; that we may all rejoice
together and be exalted by the same principles which have been revealed
for the benefit of all men. That is the way I look at these important
matters, and such is the position we all should occupy."
- John Taylor, "Journal of Discourses,"
26 vols., 22:231
does it mean to be the seed of Abraham? Scripturally it has a deeper
meaning than being his literal descendants. The Lord made a covenant
with Abraham, the great patriarch, that all nations would be blessed
through him.25 Any man or woman can claim the blessings of Abraham.
They become his seed and heirs to the promised blessings by accepting
the gospel, being baptized, entering into temple marriage, being
faithful in keeping their covenants, and helping to carry the gospel
to all the nations of the earth."
- James E. Faust, "The Key of the Knowledge of God," Ensign (CR),
November 2004, p.52
is wonderful, my brethren, to have the opportunity to work in the
service of the Lord. I think sometimes it is even more wonderful than
that, to think that every worthy man in the Church has the same
opportunity for service. It makes no difference whether you are
working in the ward or as a General Authority, you are in the same
service. Those of you who hold the Higher Priesthood hold the same
Priesthood and those of you brethren who are holders of the Aaronic
Priesthood may soon hold the Melchizedek Priesthood if you desire and
but live for it.” - Henry D. Moyle,
“Conference Report,” April 1960, First Day–General Priesthood
Meeting, p. 19
“There are books
that are released to the market and quickly become best sellers.
Sometimes they generate so much interest that people eagerly await
their release. Such books seem to flood the market right away, and you
can see people reading them everywhere. God, in His infinite wisdom,
reserved the Book of Mormon for our benefit. Its purpose is not to
become a best seller. Nevertheless, we can turn this sacred book into
a best-read and best-applied book in our life. Let me suggest three
activities that can help us turn the Book of Mormon into the best-read
and best-applied book, which will empower us today to become more
powerful priesthood holders, even as those in ancient times.
“First, feast upon the words of Christ….
“Second, apply in our lives all that we learn about Christ….
“Third, teach the doctrine and principles found in the sacred pages of the Book of Mormon.” - Walter F. González, “Becoming More Powerful Priesthood Holders,” Ensign, November 2009
'living water' that the Son of God offers is a set of divine
principles. These principles are proven principles—they are priesthood
principles which, when applied, can result in the blessings of
eternity. How well you and I learn and practice these priesthood
principles is not just important, ...; it is everything. Everything
worthwhile in your life, everything you hope and dream for, is
embraced in priesthood principles." - Robert
L. Simpson, "Conference Report," October 1968, General Priesthood
Meeting, p. 96
A lifeline must be
anchored to an immovable object which can withstand the pressure and
strain of opposing forces and remain firmly in place.
The priesthood anchors the gospel lifeline to Heavenly Father, just as
every effective lifeline is anchored to a sure place. “Therefore, all
those who receive the priesthood, receive this oath and covenant of my
Father, which he cannot break, neither can it be moved.” (D&C
As bearers of this priesthood, brethren, we have a great and magnificent
responsibility. -
Brethren, I cannot speak too earnestly and invoke too intently the
wish that we shall, all of us, realize what this Priesthood means;
that we shall keep ourselves clean so that nothing shall stand
betwixt us and the Lord. I have spoken of the extreme case, in a
way, the healing of the sick of our dear ones, but there is no hour
of the day or the waking hours of the night, when we do not stand in
need of comfort, of peace, of inspiration, of wisdom, that can come
only from our Heavenly Father. Our priesthood is our authority to go
to the Lord in times of stress. - J.
Reuben Clark, Jr., “Conference Report,” April 1953, General
Priesthood Meeting, p.55