The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Reverence

"The Comforter works, as far as I have experience, in moments of reverence and quiet and solemnity." — Elder Boyd K. Packer, Funerals—A Time For Reverence, General Conference, October 1988

"If you are reverent and prayerful and obedient, the day will come when there will be revealed to you why the God of heaven has commanded us to address him as Father, and the Lord of the Universe as Son. Then you will have discovered the Pearl of Great Price spoken of in the scriptures and willingly go and sell all that you have that you might obtain it." — President Boyd K. Packer, The Shield of Faith, General Conference, April 1995

"As we humble ourselves to approach our God and thoughtfully consider His grace and great love for us, we will become a more holy and reverent people, more able to receive the blessings He will willingly pour out on us." — Elder David E. Sorensen, Prayer, General Conference, April 1993

"While I believe that reverence is often exhibited through reverent behaviors, it is not behaviors that concern me now. I want to discuss reverence as an attitude-an attitude of deepest respect and veneration toward Deity. Of course, reverent behaviors follow reverent attitudes, but it is the attitude of reverence that we need to cultivate first among our members. Reverent behaviors without reverent attitudes are empty of meaning because they are performed for the praises of men, not God." — Elder L. Tom Perry, Serve God Acceptably With Reverence And Godly Fear, General Conference, October 1990

"Perhaps above all, a saint is reverent. Reverence for the Lord, for the earth He created, for leaders, for the dignity of others, for the law, for the sanctity of life, and for chapels and other buildings are all evidences of saintly attitudes. (see Leviticus 19:30; D&C 107:4; 134:7)" — Elder Russell M. Nelson, Thus Shall My Church Be Called, General Conference, April 1990

"Gospel truths and testimony are received from the Holy Ghost through reverent personal study and quiet contemplation." — Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Alternate Voices, General Conference, April 1989

"Oh that every ward and branch had greeters and ushers assigned for each worship service! Where members are so assigned and carry out their responsibilities properly, a reverential setting is assured. It can make such a difference when Saints are greeted at the door ever so cordially but in quiet. subdued tones, that each one might be reminded, that each one might begin to get in tune even before the meeting begins. We need more of that in the Church." — Elder Robert L. Simpson, The Lord's Support System, General Conference, October 1976

"Reverence for God, as I said in the beginning, is the fundamental thing. Reverence for God comes of love for God, but love of God arises out of faith in him, and out of an understanding of his greatness, his majesty, his goodness, his kindness and his mercy. My God is my Father, my eternal parent, the giver of every good gift to me, the conservator of my life, my relationships, my family, my blessing. Do I revere him? I bow at his feet. I humble myself in sheer praise and thanksgiving and gratitude for the manifestations of all his kindness to me. There is no question about reverence because the seed and foundation of reverence are in my philosophy, in my testimony, in my soul and in my heart. So it is essential that the gospel of Christ be preached to the people of the world that they understand this fatherhood of God, that they understand that all the progress made in this life is by and with his consent and his guidance." - Stephen L Richards, Conference Report, October 1928, Third Day—Morning Meeting, p.98

“Inseparable from the acceptance of the existence of God is an attitude of reverence, to which I wish now to call attention most earnestly to the entire Church. The greatest manifestation of spirituality is reverence; indeed, reverence is spirituality. Reverence is profound respect mingled with love. It is ‘a complex emotion made up of mingled feelings of the soul.’ [One writer] says it is ‘the highest of human feelings.’ I have said elsewhere that if reverence is the highest, then irreverence is the lowest state in which a man can live in the world. …” – “Teachings Of Presidents Of The Church: David O. McKay,” p. 29

"It is with great reverence and awe that I bear witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. In doing so, I am reminded how careful we must be in the use of His name. While His influence, teachings, and deliverance endear Him to us, we would do well not to speak of Him as though He were the friend next door." - Keith B. McMullin, "God Loves and Helps All of His Children," (CR) October 2008

To be reverent is not just to be quiet. It involves an awareness of what is taking place. It involves a divine desire to learn and to be receptive to the promptings of the Spirit. It involves a striving to seek added light and knowledge. Irreverence is not only an act of disrespect for Deity, but it makes it impossible for the Spirit to teach us the things that we need to know. -
L. Lionel Kendrick, “Enhancing Our Temple Experience,” Ensign (CR), May 2001, p.78

Certainly life need not be long-faced. Certainly there are many times and places when high-minded humor and lighthearted talk and heartily informal fellowship are a permissible and important part of life. But there are also sacred places, sacred hours, sacred subjects that should be reverently respected—and he who is insensitive to them is sometimes suspected of lacking some essential training or some essential qualities of character. We commend these words from the seventeenth century: "Let thy speeches be seriously reverent when thou speakest of God or His attributes; for to jest or utter thyself lightly in matters divine is an unhappy impiety, provoking Heaven to justice, and urging all men to suspect thy belief." "Always and in everything let there be reverence." -
Marion G. Romney, “Conference Report,” April 1952, General Priesthood Meeting, p.93

It is easier to get the proper feeling of reverence when you are kneeling or bowing your head, but it is possible to feel that you are approaching your Heavenly Father in less formal and even in silent prayer, as you will often need to do …. There will be noise and people around you most of your waking day. God hears your silent prayers, but you may have to learn to shut out the distractions because the moment you need the connection with God may not come in quiet times. –
Henry B. Eyring, “Priesthood and Personal Prayer,” Ensign (CR) May 2015 

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