"From my own experience with life’s hardships I have learned that faith
in God develops a personal love for Him which is reciprocated through
his blessings to us in times of need. To my daughter and to all others
who are meeting new or challenging times, I say: Do not fear the
challenges of life, but approach them patiently, with faith in God. He
will reward your faith with power not only to endure, but also to
overcome hardships, disappointments, trials, and struggles of daily
living. Through diligently striving to live the law of God and with
faith in Him, we will not be diverted from our eternal course either by
the ways or the praise of the world." — Rex D. Pinegar, "Faith—The
of Life," General Conference, October 1982
"Simply stated, the
Lord’s counsel to one who has 'commenced' properly and faithfully is,
'Continue as you have commenced.' We could follow the example of Nephi, a
son of Helaman, who after laboring diligently to teach and live
righteously, had decided to give up and return home because the people
refused to accept his counsel and to repent. As he approached his home,
the voice of the Lord came to him. The Lord reminded Nephi of the
blessings that would result from the unwearyingness with which he had
labored and taught the people and with which he had kept the commandments
of God. With renewed vigor and determination, Nephi turned from his home
and returned to his labors to continue as he had commenced. (See Hel.
10:2–12.)" - Rex D. Pinegar, “We
to Continue in Righteousness,” Ensign, November 1974, p. 44
"Our Father in Heaven has promised us peace in times of
trial and has provided a way for us to come to Him in our need. He has
given us the privilege and power of prayer. He has told us to "pray
always" and has promised He will pour out His Spirit upon us. (D&C
"Thankfully, we can call upon Him anytime, anywhere. We can speak to Him
in the quiet thoughts of our mind and from the deepest feelings of our
heart. It has been said, 'prayer is made up of heart throbs and the
righteous yearnings of the soul.' (James E. Talmage, 'Jesus the Christ,'
Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 238.) Our Heavenly Father has
told us He knows our thoughts and the intents of our hearts. (D&C
6:16.)" - Rex D. Pinegar, "Peace
through Prayer," Ensign (CR), May 1993, p.65
"From my own experience
with life’s hardships I have learned that faith in God develops a
personal love for Him which is reciprocated through his blessings to us
in times of need. To my daughter and to all others who are meeting new
or challenging times, I say: Do not fear the challenges of life, but
approach them patiently, with faith in God. He will reward your faith
with power not only to endure, but also to overcome hardships,
disappointments, trials, and struggles of daily living. Through
diligently striving to live the law of God and with faith in Him, we
will not be diverted from our eternal course either by the ways or the
praise of the world." - Rex D.
Pinegar, "Faith—The
Force of Life," Ensign (CR) October 1982
"In homes where high ideals and gospel values are maintained, it is
parents, not teachers, who lay the foundation of character and faith in
the hearts of their children. If the training a child should receive in
the home is neglected, neither the Church nor the school can compensate
for the loss." - Rex D. Pinegar, "Home First," Ensign (CR) April
A lifeline must be
anchored to an immovable object which can withstand the pressure and
strain of opposing forces and remain firmly in place.
The priesthood anchors the gospel lifeline to Heavenly Father, just as
every effective lifeline is anchored to a sure place. “Therefore, all
those who receive the priesthood, receive this oath and covenant of my
Father, which he cannot break, neither can it be moved.” (D&C
As bearers of this priesthood, brethren, we have a great and magnificent
responsibility. -