"The most fundamental principle is contained in the Savior's
commandment that we 'judge not unrighteously,... but judge righteous
judgment' (JST, Matt. 7:1-2, footnote a; see also John 7:24; Alma
41:14).... The gospel is a gospel of hope, and none of us is
authorized to deny the power of the Atonement to bring about a
cleansing of individual sins, forgiveness, and a reformation of life
on appropriate conditions."
Dallin H. Oaks
"'Judge Not' and Judging"
"Ensign," Aug. 1999, 9
"In the intermediate judgments we must make, we should take care to
judge righteously. We should seek the guidance of the Spirit in our
decisions. We should limit our judgments to our own stewardships.
Whenever possible we should refrain from judging people until we have
an adequate knowledge of the facts. So far as possible, we should
judge circumstances rather than people. In all our judgments we should
apply righteous standards. And, in all of this we must remember the
command to forgive."
Dallin H. Oaks
"'Judge Not' and Judging"
"Ensign," Aug. 1999, 13
"Even the Savior, during His mortal ministry, refrained from making
final judgments. We see this in the account of the woman taken in
adultery. After the crowd who intended to stone her had departed,
Jesus asked her about her accusers. 'Hath no man condemned thee?'
(John 8:10). When she answered no, Jesus declared, 'Neither do I
condemn thee: go, and sin no more' (John 8:11). In this context the
word condemn apparently refers to the final judgment (see John 3:17).
The Lord obviously did not justify the woman's sin. He simply told her
that He did not condemn her--that is, He would not pass final judgment
on her at that time. This interpretation is confirmed by what He then
said to the Pharisees: 'Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man'
(John 8:15). The woman taken in adultery was granted time to repent,
time that would have been denied by those who wanted to stone her."
Dallin H. Oaks
"'Judge Not' and Judging"
"Ensign," Aug. 1999, 8
"Each of these people seemed to have made his own determination about
worthiness. We do not have to be hindered by self-judgment. All of us
have the benefit and added wisdom of a bishop and a stake president to
help us determine our worthiness and, if necessary, to assist us to
begin the process of becoming worthy to accomplish whatever goal we
wish to achieve. When we take it upon ourselves to pass self-judgment
and simply declare, "I am not worthy," we build a barrier to progress
and erect blockades that prevent our moving forward. We are not being
fair when we judge ourselves. A second and third opinion will always
be helpful and proper."
Marvin J. Ashton
"On Being Worthy"
"Ensign," May 1989, 20
"Hyrum Smith also learned in this one verse [D&C 11:12] that the
Spirit leads us 'to judge righteously.' Though we must curb the
tendency to judge others, judgment is inevitable. Every decision we
make requires a judgment. Have you ever helped to resolve an argument
among your children and restored peace? Have you ever realized that
your opinion of someone is incorrect? These are instances where the
Spirit may be leading you to judge righteously."
Jay E. Jensen
"Have I Received an Answer from the Spirit?"
"Ensign," Apr. 1989, 24
"The Lord's estimate of a man's worth is based upon his daily conduct,
what he is from the center of his heart out. A man's outward
appearance and what he claims or professes will carry no weight with
him, for God looketh upon the heart. (1
Sam. 16:7.)" - Hugh B. Brown, "Continuing the Quest," p.278
brings discernment. How comforting it is to know that on judgment day
we shall be treated fairly and justly and in the light of the total,
true picture and the discernment of the Judge!
“A similar power of discernment and perception comes to men as they become perfect and the impediments which obstruct spiritual vision are dissolved.” – “The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball,” edited by Edward L. Kimball, p. 156
"Good judgment is
needed not only in understanding people but also in facing decisions
that often lead us to or away from our Heavenly Father. As I look back
over my own personal life, I can see many instances in which a slight
change of course based on poor judgment would have led me far from where
the Lord wanted me to be—decisions like having a family while obtaining
an education, being active in all aspects of the gospel, paying tithes
and offerings when income was severely limited, and accepting callings
at difficult times, which helped me to understand more about sacrifice.
Many blessings in life are missed because worldly judgment was applied
to what was really a spiritual decision." - Gregory
A. Schwitzer, "Developing
Good Judgment and Not Judging Others," Ensign (CR) May 2010
Don't judge me because I
sin differently than you. - Dieter F.
Ucthdorf, General Conference, April 2012