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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Robert S. Wood

"When we speak and act, we should ask whether our words and expressions are calculated to invite the powers of heaven into our lives and to invite all to come unto Christ. We must treat sacred things with reverence. We need to eliminate from our conversations the immodest and the lewd, the violent and the threatening, the demeaning and the false. As the Apostle Peter wrote, 'But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation' (
1 Pet. 1:15 ). The expression conversation refers here not only to speech but also to our entire comportment. As Nephi, he is inviting us to so live that we may speak with the 'tongue of angels.'" - Robert S. Wood, " The Tongue of Angels ," Ensign (CR), November 1999, p.83

"What we say and how we present ourselves not only betray our inner person but also mold that person, those around us, and finally our whole society. Every day each of us is implicated in obscuring the light or in chasing away the darkness. We have been called to invite the light and to be a light, to sanctify ourselves and edify others." - Robert S. Wood, "The Tongue of Angels," Ensign (CR), November 1999, p.83

The prophet Lehi, in his counsel to his son Jacob, stressed that life poses real alternatives with different consequences (see 2 Ne. 2). Adherence to divine commandments will protect us from those consequences that are most damaging to our quest for sanctification and exaltation. If we abide strictly by the commands of our Heavenly Father, we may not necessarily be protected from adversity, but we will be protected from that which is most deadly—the weakening of our integrity, alienation from God, the surrender of our divine destiny as children of God, and the destruction of our soul. Consequently, when we disobey the commands of God and the counsels of the living prophets, we always pay a price. No rationalization, no excuse, no complaining will alter the consequences. - Robert S. Wood, "On the Responsible Self," Ensign March 2002

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R. Scott Birk
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Revised: July 03, 2007