"Several years ago when there was much controversy
in our Church university as to the theories of science. President Joseph
F. Smith was approached for an answer to the controversy. After listening
patiently he replied: 'Brethren, I don't know very much about science.
It has not been my privilege to study it deeply, any of the sciences, but
this I do know, that God lives, and that His Son instituted this church
here upon the earth for the salvation of men. Now Brethren, you have that
testimony, and I've heard you bear it. It's your job to try and see how
these seeming difficulties can be overcome.' There is the voice of wisdom
from a great Church leader. Men who have faith in God and in His work are
not disturbed by seeming difficulties between the teaching of the gospel
and the theories of science. He merely urges the educated man to more diligent
search and prayerful research in order to resolve the differences. Let
that be a lesson to all of us. Ours is the responsibility through faith
in God to gain a testimony of the divinity of His work and then to measure
all secular learning in light of that testimony."
Harold B. Lee
"Teachings of Harold B. Lee"
"Within the gospel of Jesus Christ there is room and
place for every truth thus far learned by man, or yet to be made known."
James E. Talmage
"The Talmage Story", p. 241
"Science has done marvelous things for man, but it
cannot accomplish the things he must do for himself, the greatest of which
is to find the reality of God. The task is not easy; the labor is not light;
but as stated by the Master, 'Great shall be their reward and eternal shall
be their glory.' (D&C 76:6.)"
Howard W. Hunter
"To Know God"
General Conference, October 1974
"Science and true religion never can possibly contradict
each other. There never was any truth in science that would contradict
any principle of revelation that God ever revealed to man. Why?
Because true science is founded upon a true understanding of the laws and
forces of nature."
Orson Pratt
Journal of Discourses, Vol.20, p.73 -75
August 25, 1878
"Religion and science have sometimes appeared in conflict. Yet, the conflict can
only be apparent, not real, for science seeks truth, and true religion is truth.
There can never be conflict between revealed religion and true science. Truth is
truth, whether labeled science or religion. All truth is consistent. There is no
conflict—only in the interpretation of fact." —
Ezra Taft Benson, "Your Charge: To Increase in Wisdom and Favor with God
and Man," New Era, Sept. 1979, p. 41
"I marvel at the miracle of the human mind and body. Have you ever contemplated
the wonders of yourself, the eyes with which you see, the ears with which you
hear, the voice with which you speak? No camera ever built can compare with the
human eye. No method of communication ever devised can compare with the voice
and the ear. No pump ever built will run as long or as efficiently as the human
heart. No computer or other creation of science can equal the human brain. What
a remarkable thing you are." — Gordon B.
Hinckley, "A Conversation with Single Adults," Ensign, Mar. 1997, p. 59
"God’s ways are higher than man’s ways. We, as his children, barely understand
the minutia of the multiplication tables of human existence, let alone the
calculus of the cosmos. God could tell us neither how he brought to pass the
Creation nor how he made possible the reality of the Resurrection, because, in
our present condition, we would not be able to understand it fully."
— Neal A. Maxwell, "Our Acceptance of
Christ," Ensign, June 1984, p. 71
"Through the ages, some without scriptural understanding have tried to explain
our existence by pretentious words such as ex nihilo (out of nothing). Others
have deduced that, because of certain similarities between different forms of
life, there has been a natural selection of the species, or organic evolution
from one form to another. Many of these people have concluded that the universe
began as a “big bang” that eventually resulted in the creation of our planet and
life upon it. To me, such theories are unbelievable! Could an explosion in a
printing shop produce a dictionary? It is unthinkable! Even if it could be
argued to be within a remote realm of possibility, such a dictionary could
certainly not heal its own torn pages or renew its own worn corners or reproduce
its own subsequent editions!" — Russell M.
Nelson, "The Magnificence of Man," Ensign, Jan. 1988, p. 67
“Science, unsupported
by the refining and restraining influence of religion, instead of contributing
to progress and happiness, as the electric light, the automobile, the television
and radio, and the airplane, might prove a ‘Frankenstein’ by putting atomic
submarines, jet airplanes, and the H bomb at the disposal of political gangsters
and modern cavemen. Although atomic power opens up boundless opportunities, it
also threatens mankind with limitless perils. As one thinker put it, ‘All
depends upon whether we can match this flood of new material powers with an
equal gain in spiritual forces.’” - David O. McKay,
“Man May Know for Himself: Teachings of President David O. McKay,” compiled by
Clare Middlemiss, p. 196