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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Taking Offense

“There are times when we can become upset at imagined hurts or perceived injustices. President Heber J. Grant, seventh President of the Church, told of a time as a young adult when he did some work for a man who then sent him a check for $500 with a letter apologizing for not being able to pay him more. Then President Grant did some work for another man—work which he said was 10 times more difficult, involving 10 times more labor and a great deal more time. This second man sent him a check for $150. Young Heber felt he had been treated most unfairly. He was at first insulted and then incensed.

“He recounted the experience to an older friend, who asked, ‘Did that man intend to insult you?’

“President Grant replied, ‘No. He told my friends he had rewarded me handsomely.’

“To this the older friend replied, ‘A man’s a fool who takes an insult that isn’t intended.’” Thomas S. Monson, “School Thy Feelings, O My Brother,” Ensign, November 2009

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R. Scott Birk
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Revised: January 06, 2010