"Everything that occurs in the temple is eternal in its
consequences. We there deal with matters of immortality, with things of
eternity, with things of man and his relationship to his Divine Parent and his
Redeemer. Hands must be clean and hearts must be pure and thoughts concerned
with the solemnities of eternity when in these sacred premises."
Gordon Hinckley
"Keeping The Temple Holy"
General Conference, April 1990
"The only sure way to protect ourselves and our families
from the onslaught of the teachings of the world is to commit to live the
commandments of God; to attend our Church meetings, where we can learn and be
strengthened in our testimonies and partake of the sacrament to renew our
covenants; and to prepare ourselves to worthily enter the temple, where we may
find a refuge from the world and a place of renewal of our capacity to cope with
the evils of the world."
David B. Haight
"Successful Living Of Gospel Principles"
General Conference, October 1992
"We examine our worthiness to enter the temple in our
annual temple recommend interviews with priesthood leaders. Our signature,
with theirs, on our temple recommend testifies of our worthiness to enter the
temple. How important it is to be completely honest with our bishop."
David B. Haight
Come To The House Of The Lord
General Conference, April 1992
"A temple recommend is one of the highest accolades we
may receive. To use it regularly permits us to participate in the choicest gifts
within the keeping of the Church."
A. Theodore Tuttle
"The First And The Last Words"
General Conference, April 1982
"We unavoidably stand in so many unholy places and are subjected to so much
that is vulgar, profane, and destructive of the Spirit of the Lord that I
encourage our Saints all over the world, wherever possible, to strive to stand
more often in holy places. Our most holy places are our sacred temples. Within
them is a feeling of sacred comfort. We should seek to be worthy to take our
families to the temple to be sealed together for eternity. We should also search
for the records of our kindred dead so that they too can be sealed to us in one
of the temples. We must strive for holiness by being 'an example of the
believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in
purity.' (1 Timothy 4:12.)
In this way we can maintain and strengthen our own individual relationship with
our God." - James E. Faust, "Standing
in Holy Places," General Conference, April 2005
“Work toward being
temple worthy, and obtain a temple recommend even if the temple is too far away
to attend very often. Great blessings will come to you and your children because
of your personal righteousness. If you now have a temple recommend, study and
pray and attend the temple often to increase your understanding of the covenants
you have made.” - Patricia P. Pinegar, “Caring for the
Souls of Children,” Ensign (CR), May 1997, p. 13