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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - Thanksgiving

"Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Light, who is no respecter of persons and in whom there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. To please him we must not only worship him with thanksgiving and praise, but render willing obedience to his commandments. By so doing he is bound to bestow his blessings; for it is upon this principle (obedience to law) that all blessings are predicated." — Joseph F. Smith, "Improvement Era," Vol. 21, December, 1917

"Following Thanksgiving time a few years ago, I received a letter from a widow whom I had known in the stake where I served in the presidency. She had just returned from a dinner sponsored by her bishopric. Her words reflect the peace she felt and the gratitude which filled her heart:

Dear President Monson,
I am living in Bountiful now. I miss the people of our old stake, but let me tell you of a wonderful experience I have had. In early November, all the widows and older people received an invitation to come to a lovely dinner. We were told not to worry about transportation, since this would be provided by the older youth in the ward.

At the appointed hour, a very nice young man rang the bell and took me and another sister to the stake center. He stopped the car, and two other young men walked with us to the building. Inside, they escorted us to the tables, where seated on each side of us was either a young woman or a young man. We were served a lovely Thanksgiving dinner and afterward provided a choice program. Then the young men took us home. It was such a nice evening. Most of us shed a tear or two for the love and respect we were shown.

President Monson, when you see young people treat others like these young people did, I feel the Church is in good hands.

There came to mind the words from the Epistle of James, 'Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.'" — Thomas S. Monson, April Conf. 1996

"No wonder we should 'live in thanksgiving daily' (Alma 34:38) because ' . . . all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator' (Alma 30:44)." — Neal A. Maxwell, October Conf. 1987

"I thank the Lord that He planted in my heart while I was yet a boy a love for the Prophet Joseph Smith, a love for the Book of Mormon, a love for those great men and women who endured so much in establishing a foundation on which to build this cause and kingdom. I love the priesthood which is among us, this authority given to men to speak in the name of God. I am grateful for its power and authority which reach even beyond the veil of death. I love the Saints wherever they walk in faith and faithfulness. I am thankful for the strength of your testimonies and for the goodness of your lives. I love the missionaries who are out on the front line of the world bearing testimony of the restoration of the gospel. I pray for them that they may be protected and that they may be led to those who will receive their message." — Gordon B. Hinckley, October Conf. 1995

"We have first to learn submission to the will of God ourselves, through various trials, persecutions, and the development of our weaknesses and imperfections, and thereby learn to appreciate the goodness and blessings that flow from him.  We must see that we ourselves first learn obedience, and then teach others.  But how can we teach others a lesson which we have not learned ourselves?" — John Taylor, "Journal of Discourses," 6:167

"I wish to say to you husbands and wives, be considerate of each other in your homes, be appreciative, and speak all the good you can of each other. Husbands, tell your wives how much you esteem their labors in the home: wives tell your husbands how interested you are in their struggles. A little praise in this life is a very good thing." — Reed Smoot, "Conference Report," October 1907, p. 59

"As stewards of God we must be truly appreciative of the things we receive. One has said that, 'Ingratitude is a crime more despicable than revenge which is only returning evil for evil, while ingratitude returns evil for good.' You remember that of the ten lepers healed by Christ, only one returned to give thanks. A beautiful legend tells the story of two angels that were sent forth throughout the land, each given a basket, one to gather up requests and the other thanksgivings. The angel of requests came back with her basket running over full. The angel of thanksgivings came back with her basket practically empty. So it is in life. It seems that all have requests to make, but few of us think to return and give thanks." — Heber Q. Hale, "Conference Report," October 1919, p. 172

"We should pray about our work, against the power of our enemies and the devil, for our welfare and the welfare of those around us. (Al. 34:20, 22-25, 27.) We should counsel with the Lord pertaining to all our decisions and activities. (Al. 37:36-37.) We should be grateful enough to give thanks for all we have. (D&C 59:21.) We should confess His hand in all things. Ingratitude is one of our great sins.'" — Ezra Taft Benson, "Prayer," General Conference, April 1977

"Be thankful always for the Lord's goodness to you, and acknowledge with gratitude the privileges he has accorded you for your progress and improvement. Remember that modern commandment: 'Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.'" — Archibald F. Bennett, "Saviors on Mount Zion," p. 22

"Thankfulness may indeed be measured by the number of words we use. Gratitude, however, must be measured by the nature of our actions." — Dee F. Anderson, "Thanks-Living" "BYU Speeches of the Year," November 26, 1985

"God help us to be grateful for our blessings, never to be guilty of the sin of ingratitude, and to instill this same gratitude into the lives of our children. Someone has said that an ungrateful man is like a hog under a tree eating apples and never looking up to see where they come from." — Ezra Taft Benson, "Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson," p. 364

"The spirit of gratitude will grow in our hearts as we express it, and it will be germinated and grow in the hearts of those about us. Let us teach it in our homes to our children, that they may grow up with thankful hearts, that the spirit of discontent and unrest which is in the world may not affect their lives." — John Wells, General Conference, April 1935

"And finally,... be thankful to the Lord for your blessings. Think more about what you do have than what you don't have. Dwell upon the goodnesses of the Lord to you. Remember His words to the Prophet Joseph: 'He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.' (D&C 78:19.)" — Ezra Taft Benson, "To the Single Adult Sisters of the Church," "Ensign," Nov. 1988, p. 97

"The truths 'And in everything give thanks' (D&C 98:1) and 'Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things' (D&C 59:7) and 'He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious' (D&C 78:19) are not only recommended tools of appreciation, but are powerful attitude guidelines prescribing rewarding patterns. Think of the personal challenge to thank God in all things. If we thank God in all things, we will not permit ourselves to get behind. We must work each day to beat yesterday's record, not someone else's. With His help we can accomplish all things and be winners indeed in the processes of eternity." — Marvin J. Ashton, "Who's Losing?" "Ensign," Nov. 1974, p. 41

"A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. It helps us develop such virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love, and well-being." — James E. Faust, "Grateful Heart," "Friend," May 1994, inside front cover

"We can never fully repay our Savior for his sacrifice made to help us achieve salvation and exaltation. It would behoove each of us to search our hearts and lives and consider how good and gracious our Lord has been. George Herbert said, 'Thou that has given so much to us, give us one thing more... a grateful heart.'" — Delbert L. Stapley, "The Savior's Ministry," "Ensign," May 1974, p. 103

"From Hippocrates there is a sentence which says, 'What we use flourishes. What we don't use wastes away.' One way of expressing gratitude would be to use well what we have--material things, talents, time, opportunities, sympathy, compassion. In many ways there is a steady process of perishability. Time goes no matter what we do with it--whether we use it well or waste it away. The products of the good earth are in some ways the same: Much is produced that is never used well. There is much that piles up unneeded in some places and doesn't get to where it is most needed in others. There is much satisfaction in knowing that some things are ours, but there is a difference between having and using, and hoarding. Letting things pile up and deteriorate, unused, where they occupy space and collect dust, serving no good purpose and doing little good to anyone, is a sterile waste. On another side of this subject: If a person receives a gift from someone who gives sincerely, and acts as if he doesn't need or want it, or just lets it lie idle and doesn't use it, it is a disappointment to the giver and appears to be an evidence of ingratitude. Both use and appreciation are elements of gratitude, and sincere gratitude includes using well what God has given, for our own benefit and blessing, and for others also--remembering that material things are perishable, that talents will shrivel and waste away unless we use them well, and that the time to do what needs to be done is when it needs to be done--for time is the essence of all our opportunities. It is precious, perishable, irreplaceable, and it won't wait. This is the day this day's work should be done. 'What we use flourishes. What we don't use wastes away.'" — Richard L. Evans, 
"The Spoken Word," "Ensign," Feb. 1971, p. 22

"Express gratitude for each blessing, for 'in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments.'" — Richard G. Scott, "He Lives," "Ensign," Nov. 1999, p. 89

"One of the most esteemed spiritual attributes we can acquire in life is sincere gratitude. It enriches our lives as we, through this attribute, enrich the lives of others. If we have a thankful heart we will have the blessings that come from constant appreciation for the things done for us and the Lord's goodness. How can we really pay the debt of gratitude we owe to our parents, brothers and sisters, teachers, and those who have served us in so many ways? How can we show appreciation for good homes, husbands and wives who are true and faithful, and children who have the desire to live righteously and serve the Lord? How do we express thankfulness for our baptisms, for the privilege of partaking of the sacrament and renewing our covenants, for the priesthood we bear, for the light of the restored gospel, and for the program of the Church devised to help us make progress toward exaltation and eternal life? We pay our debt of gratitude by living in such a way as to bring credit to our parents and the name we bear, by doing good to others, by being of service, by being willing to share the light and knowledge we have received so that others will also have joy and happiness, and by living the principles of the gospel in their fulness." — Howard W. Hunter, "News of the Church," "Ensign," Oct. 1974, p. 87

"Through expression of prayerful gratitude and thanksgiving, we show our dependence upon a higher source of wisdom and knowledge-God the Father and his Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are taught to 'live in thanksgiving daily.' (Alma 34:38.)" — Robert D. Hales, "Gratitude for the Goodness of God," "Ensign," May 1992, p. 64

"Enrich your life with the beauty around you. There is such an abundance of it: the resplendent breaking dawn welcoming a fresh new day, the abundant arms of a blue spruce adorned with golden medallions from adjacent aspen, shimmering ripples in a mountain lake transformed by the brilliant sun, a hushed stillness of a forest glen bathed in moonlight, the exuberance of a child at play and the love in his mother's eyes. 'Rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks.' 'And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.'" — Richard G. Scott, "He Lives," "Ensign," Nov. 1999, p. 89

"Above all, have a grateful heart, which will always prompt and motivate you to reach out to others, for 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,' Jesus said, 'ye have done it unto me' (Matt. 25:40)." — Derek A. Cuthbert, "Needs," "New Era," Sept. 1987, p. 50

"We each must go forth on our life journey as did Moroni, one whose 'heart did swell with thanksgiving to his God... [and] who did labor exceedingly for the welfare and safety of his people.... [and] who was firm in the faith of Christ' (Alma 48:12-13). With such devotion there will be fewer sidesteps and missteps; there are no shortcuts to eternity." - Elaine L. Jack, "Never Take No Cutoffs," Ensign, August 1994, p. 66

"It is Good Friday today. This is celebrated by the Christian world in commemoration of the sufferings of our Savior. Eighteen hundred and seventy-nine years ago last night, He spent some time in the Garden of Gethsemane. You know how He suffered, in contemplating that which was before Him, the bitter cup that He was to drain. He asked His Father: 'If thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless, not My will, but Thine be done.' Now, this is what we all should feel to say. Today, Good Friday, the day on which He suffered so much for us, let us not forget to let our thoughts go to Him in thankfulness." - Anthon H. Lund, "Conference Report," April 1912

"Elder James E. Talmage said, 'gratitude is twin sister to humility; pride is a foe to both.' Also, President James E. Faust has said, 'A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness.' In times of trial we can accept with gratefulness that which is to come, a gratitude for the blessings and gifts the Lord has in reserve for those who keep the commandments and serve Him in thanksgiving." - Gordon T. Watts, "Gratitude," Ensign (CR), November 1998, p.83

Having now completed eight years of providing daily messages via The LDS Daily WOOL, I find these words from President Smith reflecting the feelings I have. Thank you, to each and every one of you who have become such an important part of my life.

"I am grateful for the companionship of the many intelligent, righteous people who live in this most favored of all lands and in other lands. My life has been enriched by your association, and I thank you for it. I desire most earnestly that we shall all earn and receive an eternal inheritance in the celestial kingdom of our Lord right here upon this earth when we attain to immortality. In this the evening of my mortal life, I leave with you my testimony that I know that the God of our fathers, our God still lives and loves us and desires our happiness and exaltation, and I leave this witness with my love and blessing in the name of Jesus Christ his Beloved Son, our Redeemer. Amen." - George Albert Smith, "Conference Report," April 1945, Third Day—Morning Meeting, p.139

"Gratitude begins with attitude. While to some every apple shines, to others the remaining blemishes after the polishing process are all that's visible. We must use caution not to be drawn into the growing populous of ungrateful people who have become calloused to blessings as they bicker in misery.

"Joy and happiness are born of gratitude." - Gordon T. Watts, "Gratitude," Ensign (CR), November 1998, p.83

"Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it. Frequently we are oblivious to the Lord's hand. We murmur, complain, resist, criticize; so often we are not grateful. In the Book of Mormon, we learn that those who murmur do not know 'the dealings of that God who... created them.' (1 Nephi 2:12.) The Lord counsels us not to murmur because it is then difficult for the Spirit to work with us." - Bonnie D. Parkin, "Gratitude—A Path to Happiness," General Conference, April 2007

"If there is anything that I am grateful for it is for my standing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that I have fellowship with the Saints of God, that I have part in this glorious work which the Lord has established for the salvation of mankind. I am always conscious of the fact that the Lord is carrying on a great work, that he has stretched forth his hand to perform a marvelous work and a wonder, and that we are among his chosen people, the chosen people of God." - Rulon S. Wells, "Conference Report," October 1938, Second Day—Morning Meeting, p.60

"I believe there is a definite link between gratitude and spirituality. To begin to feel gratitude, we first have to recognize and be aware of the blessings around us. Those who are unaware of their blessings miss the opportunity of rejoicing in the goodness of God, the richness of life, and the diversity of others. It is difficult for such people to reach out to bless others. I believe that personal peace and increased humility often follow our expressions and feelings of gratitude." - Elaine L. Jack, "Eye to Eye, Heart to Heart," p.34

"Do you take time to discover each day how beautiful your life can be? How long has it been since you watched the sun set? The departing rays kissing the clouds, trees, hills, and lowlands good night, sometimes tranquilly, sometimes with exuberant bursts of color and form. What of the wonder of a cloudless night when the Lord unveils the marvels of His heavensthe twinkling stars, the moonlight raysto ignite our imagination with His greatness and glory? How captivating to watch a seed planted in fertile soil germinate, gather strength, and send forth a tiny, seemingly insignificant sprout. Patiently it begins to grow and develop its own character led by the genetic code the Lord has provided to guide its development. With care it surely will become what it is destined to be: a lily, crowned with grace and beauty; a fragrant spearmint plant; a peach; an avocado; or a beautiful blossom with unique delicacy, hue, and fragrance. When last did you observe a tiny rosebud form? Each day it develops new and impressive character, more promise of beauty until it becomes a majestic rose. You are one of the noblest of God's creations. His intent is that your life be gloriously beautiful regardless of your circumstances. As you are grateful and obedient, you can become all that God intends you to be." - Richard G. Scott, "Finding Joy in Life," Ensign (CR), May 1996, p.24

"Something I have heard President Hinckley do many times publicly is to give all the glory, the praise, and the honor to God. This is something I am going to do more often, including today, incorporating my appreciation for God's tutoring and blessings.

"Uncertainty as to our longevity is one of life's basic realities for all of us. Hence, you and I should importune in faith for the blessings we deeply desire, but then be 'content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto [us]' (Alma 29:3). Clearly our individual exit routes from this life vary; so does the timing." - Neal A. Maxwell, "From Whom All Blessings Flow," Ensign (CR), May 1997, p.11

"Just the other morning, I thought, 'I have been asking for so much. This morning I am not going to ask for one thing. I’m just going to be grateful.' I knelt and thanked the Lord for my good health, for my understanding husband, for our children, for our missionary son, for the privilege of serving, for the board members and staff who assist me, for stake and ward members throughout the world who are serving, and especially for the teachers who give and care so much. I thanked him for the children everywhere. I thanked him for the prophet. And the list went on. My spirit soared. What an astounding experience to know that I have so much! It takes a grateful heart to experience that soaring, that realization of how much Heavenly Father loves you, how much he does for you." - Dwan J. Young, "Draw Near to Him in Prayer," Ensign (CR), November 1985, p.91

"Regardless of our trials, with the abundance we have today, we would be ungrateful if we did not appreciate our blessings. Despite the obvious nature of the hardships the pioneers were experiencing, President Brigham Young talked about the significance of gratitude. He stated, 'I do not know of any, excepting the unpardonable sin, that is greater than the sin of ingratitude.'" - Quentin L. Cook, "Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time," General Conference, October 2008

"Many of us will be going home over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Let us take with us the spirit of giving and engender it into our family circles. During Thanksgiving... may we truly give thanks to the Lord for His blessings, and then may we give our time and talents in service to others. King Benjamin counseled,

"... When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. (Mosiah. 2:17.)

"In this way our Thanksgiving will be first thanks, then giving." - John H. Vandenberg, November 23, 1965, "BYU Speeches of the Year," 1965, p.8

"May we never let the things we can't have, or don't have, or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. As we value our happiness let us not forget it, for one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be happy without the things we cannot or should not have."Richard L. Evans (1906-1971), the writer, producer, and announcer of Music and the Spoken Word for forty-one years

"Let us set an example; let us live within our means; let us be lenders instead of borrowers; let us not place our homes or the lands that produce our living under mortgages, in order that we may ride in fine conveyances or keep up with the pace set by our neighbors who may be able to afford it. Let us be more concerned about the adornment of our minds that are eternal, rather than adornment of our persons with things that are of no lasting benefit. Let us keep the commandments of God; let us live humble, and sweet, and pure. Let us not he lifted up in the pride of our hearts if we have been more successful than our neighbor financially, but, mindful of the blessings of health and strength, and the gift of home and loved ones, appreciating the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is the power of God unto salvation, unto all those that believe and obey it; let us evidence by loving kindness to every child of our Heavenly Father that we are grateful." - George Albert Smith, "Conference Report," April 1915, Second DayMorning Session, p.98

“As we strive to make our prayers more meaningful, we should remember that ‘in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments’ (D&C 59:21). Let me recommend that periodically you and I offer a prayer in which we only give thanks and express gratitude. Ask for nothing; simply let our souls rejoice and strive to communicate appreciation with all the energy of our hearts.” - David A. Bednar, “Pray Always,” (CR) October 2008

"My thanks to all you wonderful members of the Church—and legions of good people not of our faith—for proving every day of your life that the pure love of Christ 'never faileth.' No one of you is insignificant, in part because you make the gospel of Jesus Christ what it is—a living reminder of His grace and mercy, a private but powerful manifestation in small villages and large cities of the good He did and the life He gave bringing peace and salvation to other people. We are honored beyond expression to be counted one with you in such a sacred cause." - Jeffrey R. Holland, "Because of Your Faith," Ensign (CR) October 2010

Gratitude is a Spirit-filled principle. It opens our minds to a universe permeated with the richness of a living God. Through it, we become spiritually aware of the wonder of the smallest things, which gladden our hearts with their messages of God's love. This grateful awareness heightens our sensitivity to divine direction. When we communicate gratitude, we can be filled with the Spirit and connected to those around us and the Lord. Gratitude inspires happiness and carries divine influence. "Live in thanksgiving daily," said Amulek, "for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you." - Bonnie D. Parkin, "Gratitude: A Path to Happiness," Ensign (CR) April 2007

How much better it would be if all could be more aware of God’s providence and love and express that gratitude to Him. Ammon taught, “Let us give thanks to [God], for he doth work righteousness forever.” Our degree of gratitude is a measure of our love for Him. - Russell M. Nelson, "Thanks Be to God," Ensign (CR) May 2012

Brothers and sisters, we were in that council in heaven when this plan was introduced, and we were happy for the privilege, and opportunity, and blessing of coming to earth to receive bodies, which would permit us to have experiences for good or for evil. My brothers and sisters, how grateful we are to have had part in this plan of redemption, rather than to feel as Paul told the Corinthians, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (1 Cor. 15:19). Are we willing to give thanks for blessings and knowledge received? - Lloyd P. George, "Gratitude," Ensign (CR) May 1994

How can we cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude? President Joseph F. Smith, sixth President of the Church, provided an answer. Said he: “The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil. Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life.” He continued: “Pride destroys our gratitude and sets up selfishness in its place. How much happier we are in the presence of a grateful and loving soul, and how careful we should be to cultivate, through the medium of a prayerful life, a thankful attitude toward God and man!” - Thomas S. Monson, "The Divine Gift of Gratitude," Ensign (CR) November 2010

It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding. - Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Grateful in Any Circumstances,” Ensign (CR) May 2014

To find gratitude and generosity when you could reasonably find hurt and resentment will surprise you. It will be so surprising because you will see so much of the opposite: people who have much more than others yet who react with anger when one advantage is lost or with resentment when an added gift is denied. - Henry B. Eyring, “Remembrance and Gratitude,” Ensign (CR) November 1989

How blessed we are if we recognize God’s handiwork in the marvelous tapestry of life. Gratitude to our Father in Heaven broadens our perception and clears our vision. It inspires humility and fosters empathy toward our fellowmen and all of God’s creation. Gratitude is a catalyst to all Christlike attributes! A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues. - Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Grateful in Any Circumstances,” Ensign (CR) May 2014

My brothers and sisters, do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive? Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God’s love.

My beloved friend President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives.” - Thomas S. Monson, “The Divine Gift of Gratitude,” Ensign (CR) October 2010

Today is a day of eternity. I hope each day we are thankful for life, for knowing that we are sons and daughters of God and that the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is upon the earth. I hope we will have a desire and a determination to make each day a good day. - George I. Cannon, “Today—A Day of Eternity,” Ensign (CR) October 1991

Gratitude, my brethren and sisters, is just a little more than thankfulness, and I often feel as I approach my Heavenly Father in prayer that I not only thank him for his goodness and the many manifestations of his blessings and for the benefits that have come to me from time to time, but there is also a deep feeling of gratitude that comes into my heart concerning my relationship to him. - Joseph Quinney, Jr., "Conference Report," October 1937, Second Day—Morning Meeting, p. 58

How do we glorify Jesus? How do we say thank you for the Atonement? How do we state gratitude for the ordinances and the covenants? How do we express appreciation for his teachings? Of course, we do it by loving God, by loving our neighbor, by living the commandments, and also by being one. We adapt to the Master's teachings. We place him and others with us into one: "One Lord, one faith, one baptism," as Paul taught (Eph. 4:5). We accept those called over us as our leaders without creating a fuss. Our leaders know of our loyalty because we do what they call us to do. - Hugh W. Pinnock, "The Blessings of Being Unified," Ensign (CR), May 1987, p.62

Thank your Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son for the plan of happiness and the gospel principles upon which it is based. Be grateful for the ordinances and the covenants they have provided. I solemnly testify they have power to crown your life with peace and joy, to give it purpose and meaning. You will learn that sadness and disappointment are temporary. Happiness is everlastingly eternal because of Jesus Christ. - Richard G. Scott, "Finding Joy in Life," Ensign (CR), May 1996, p.24

Mercies and blessings come in different forms—sometimes as hard things. Yet the Lord said, "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things." All things means just that: good things, difficult things—not just some things. He has commanded us to be grateful because He knows being grateful will make us happy. This is another evidence of His love. - Bonnie D. Parkin, “Gratitude: A Path to Happiness,” Ensign (CR) May 2007

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