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The LDS Daily WOOL© Archive - The Individual

"Jesus always sought the welfare of the individual; and individuals, grouped and laboring for the mutual welfare of the whole in conformity with the principles of the gospel, constitute the kingdom of God. Many of the choicest truths of the gospel were given in conversations with individuals when Jesus was on the earth. It was while Jesus talked with Nicodemus that he gave us the message relative to baptism and of being 'born again.' From the conversation with the woman of Samaria, we have disclosed the truth that they who worship God must worship him 'in spirit and in truth.' From Jesus' conversation with Mary and Martha, we hear the divine declaration, 'I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:...' (John 11:25.)

"Jesus' regard for the personality was supreme!

"To the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the worth of the individual has special meaning. Quorums, auxiliaries, wards, stakes, even the Church itself, are all organized to further the welfare of man. All are but a means to an end, and that end is the happiness and eternal value of every child of God." - David O. McKay, "Conference Report," October 1962, First Day--Morning Meeting, p.7-8

“Peace comes from within; peace is myself, if I am a truly peaceful man. The very essence of me must be the spirit of peace. Individuals make up the community, and the nation–an old enough doctrine, which we often overlook–and the only way to build a peaceful community is to build men and women who are lovers and makers of peace. Each individual, by that doctrine of Christ and His Church, holds in his own hands the peace of the world.” - John A. Widtsoe, “Conference Report,” October 1943, Afternoon Meeting, p. 113

The Savior’s analogy of the lost sheep vividly portrays the concern he has for all, but especially those that might stray. The Savior’s mission is to try to save all. The shepherd leaves the ninety-and-nine pastured safely and goes into the mountains to seek that one that has strayed. “When he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.” (Luke 15:5–6.) Can’t you somehow feel the Savior’s concern to account for everyone. - David B. Haight, "Feed the Flock," Ensign (CR) May 1975

Faithful servants nourish by focusing on the individual. God loves us one by one. How eloquently the Savior taught that lesson in the masterful parable of the lost sheep found in Luke 15. The parable tells of a shepherd who was prepared to leave the main flock of sheep—the ninety and nine—and go out into the wilderness in search of the one straggler which was lost. -
Alexander B. Morrison, "Nourish the Flock of Christ," Ensign (CR), May 1992, p. 13

All individuals are what they are and where they are by a composite of choices that direct their lives each day. The responsibility of directing is not only for our own lives, but also for others who may be looking for the light. As we build a seaworthy ship and then sail a true course, many sails will navigate safely through troubled waters into the peaceful harbor because of the unflickering light radiating from the bow of our craft. -
Ardeth Greene Kapp, "My Neighbor, My Sister, My Friend," p. 81 

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R. Scott Birk
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Revised: November 10, 2009