"Today, countless women in the Church reach out to others through
visiting teaching and compassionate service, which are still the heart
of Relief Society. They bless the lives of others-and buoy up those
who may be discouraged or homesick, frightened or disheartened. They
remember the counsel given us by a prophet that 'God does notice us,
and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that
he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in
the kingdom' (Spencer W. Kimball, "Small Acts of Service", Ensign,
Dec. 1974, p. 5)."—Sister Joy F. Evans, Lord, When Saw We Thee An
Hungred, General Conference, April 1989
"Elder Bruce R. McConkie has so eloquently taught us that service is
essential to salvation. I have been impressed with the urgency of
doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not
enough; we must do. Progress is not created by contented people. It is
up to us, you and me, to be uncomfortable in complacency, to refrain
from being spectators, and to be players in the game of life. The Lord
has chosen His people to perform a mighty work. Our home teaching, our
visiting teaching should be more than going; it should be doing with
Christian love. It can be done; you can each do your portion of the
work because you desire it."—Elder Russell C. Taylor, The Joy of
Service, General Conference, October 1984
"The first-line support to the families in the Church organization is
priesthood home teaching and Relief Society visiting teaching. These
functions provide two important services. They keep the bishop, the
quorum leader, and the Relief Society president adequately informed of
the physical, emotional, temporal, and spiritual condition of the
membership. They also have teaching opportunities and serve as a
resource to provide some of the training to the families as they
prepare for self-sufficiency."—Elder L. Tom Perry, The Need to
Teach Personal and Family Preparedness, General Conference,
April 1981
"Welfare services is the full program the Lord has provided
us--provident living, personal and family preparedness, home and
visiting teaching, producing and distributing goods to the poor,
rehabilitating members with especially difficult needs or handicaps,
securing jobs for the unemployed, restoring emotionally disturbed
souls to full activity in the Church and society, with all of us
consecrating our lives to the building up of the kingdom of God on
earth."—President Spencer W. Kimball, The Fruit Of Our Welfare
Services Labors, General Conference, October 1978
"I bear testimony to you that home teaching is the divinely inspired
method by which we can best touch lives within this Church. Right
beside this tremendous priesthood process is Relief Society visiting
teaching. Paul had the spirit of home teaching and visiting teaching
when he wrote to Timothy: 'And the things that thou has heard of me
among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall
be able to teach others also.' (2 Tim. 2:2.)"—Elder Robert L. Simpson,
These Four Things, General Conference, April 1976
"I have another good friend--a contemporary of mine--Geneva Brown. She
has also been a great inspiration to me. A number of years ago she
became afflicted with multiple sclerosis. Her health steadily
deteriorated, confining her to a wheelchair. It would have been an
easy thing for her to give up, but it was not her nature. She was a
person who was used to doing and being busy in all kinds of things.
But she has shown more determination than ever and has kept herself
We saw her one day just coming out of the temple. I watched as her
husband wheeled her across the street from the temple to the car, as
he opened the door, and as she lifted herself from the wheelchair into
the car. I kept wanting to reach out and help her some way. But she
has learned how to manage. She is interested in people and things. How
easy it would have been for her to refuse a calling in the Church,
even to be a visiting teacher. Certainly she had an excuse. She didn't
need to be a visiting teacher, but it was not her nature to quit. She
was able to drive a car with special controls, so she would go on her
visiting teaching rounds with her companion. When she arrived at the
home of the sister to be visited, a beep of the horn would bring the
sister out of her home to sit in the back seat of the car and be
taught. Neighbors along the street, seeing the fun that was going on,
would come out of their homes and join them until there was a car
full. Many were lifted and edified by this wonderful woman who was
willing to push on and go the extra mile."—President Barbara W.
Winder, "No Joy Without The Struggle", BYU Speeches of the Year
1987-88, 7 June 1987
"Opportunities to lose oneself for the good of others present
themselves daily:... visiting teaching; time for compassionate
service; giving comfort to those who need strength; serving with
diligence in Church callings;... Truly, the day of sacrifice is not
past."—President Ezra Taft Benson, This Is A Day Of Sacrifice,
General Conference, April 1979
"In any pursuit and under any
condition, we can ask ourselves what would Jesus do and then determine
our own course accordingly. For example, what sort of home teacher
would the Savior be? Would He occasionally miss visiting families?
Would He visit them without a message? Or would He minister to His
families like the Good Shepherd that He is, with constant watch care
and loving kindness? Deep in our hearts we know what kind of home
teacher Jesus would be, just as we know what kind of bishop, teacher,
Primary leader, clerk, or youth adviser He would be. Even though we
could never in this life measure up completely to His standard of
excellence, our attempt to do so will lead us to do far better than
otherwise." - Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Spiritual Bonfires of
Testimony," Ensign (CR), November 1992, p.34
must take seriously our responsibility to reach out in love to those
among us who may be lonely or unhappy—who are struggling with problems
or temptations. They will find friends somewhere; they will find
comfort somewhere. What is our failure if they find it elsewhere
because we were not there, were not welcoming?
needed you—I couldn't find
you—I don't need you anymore.'
We must not let this happen if there is any way for us to be there
when we are needed." - Joy F. Evans, "Lord, When Saw We Thee an
Hungred?", Ensign (CR), May 1989, p.73
“Lucy Mack Smith,
the mother of the Prophet Joseph, said at the second meeting of Relief
Society, ‘We must cherish one another, comfort one another and watch
over one another.’ I would add, We must nurture, protect, defend,
support, cheer, and love one another. As long as we feel this concern
and love, visiting teaching will be a successful and important part of
who we are as Latter-day Saints.” - Elaine L. Jack, “Eye to Eye,
Heart to Heart,” p. 142
Such falling away concerns me. As I have traveled and met new
converts, their eyes ablaze with the joy and peace their newfound
faith has brought them, I have seen them make great sacrifices to
join the fold. We must honor their sacrifice by loving them and
strengthening them. My desire is to plead with our sisters to stop
worrying about a phone call or a quarterly or monthly visit, and
whether that will do, and concentrate instead on nurturing tender
souls. Our responsibility is to see that the gospel flame continues
to burn brightly. Our charge is to find the lost sheep and help them
feel our Savior’s love. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell says, “It is easier
to find and to help ‘the one’ when the ‘ninety and nine’ are
securely together.” – Mary Ellen
Smoot, “Pioneer
Shoes through the Ages,” Ensign (CR) November 1997