Exhilarating Work

While enlarged information, experience and polish are important, at the same time, at most, these are but secondary. The outstanding feature of missionary work is the great exhilarating spiritual uplift, inspiration and ambition which it brings, combined with that stabilized character which it produces in the manhood and womanhood of the Church. – Richard R. […]

Looking Back

We talk about our trials and troubles here in this life; but suppose that you could see yourselves thousands and millions of years after you have proved faithful to your religion during the few short years in this time, and have obtained eternal salvation and a crown of glory in the presence of God? Then […]


One of the most wasteful wastes in the world is the waste of time, of opportunity, of creative effort, with indifference to learning, indifference to work—the don’t-care, drop-out, what’s-the-use attitude. And one of the steadying factors in life—one that could reduce restlessness, protest, and discontent-would be for all of us to use in more useful […]