Finding Safety in Today’s World

Where can one find spiritual, emotional, and economic safety in order to survive today’s terrible cultural storms? The world is messy and bent on self-centeredness. Economic chaos and political instability are also part of today’s environment, leaving uneasiness, insecurity, and turmoil in all of our lives. Fortunately, the Restoration gives us the panacea that mends, […]

The Exceptional Church

Just as dynamite without nitroglycerin is unremarkable, the Savior’s Church is special only if it is built on His gospel. Without the Savior’s gospel and the authority to administer the ordinances thereof, the Church isn’t exceptional. – Dale G. Renlund, “This is My Gospel—This is My Church,” Liahona (CR) November 2024

Good News of Great Joy

The gospel of Jesus Christ is truly the “good news of great joy”!12 It is a message of matchless hope! A message of yoke-bearing and burden-lifting.13 Of light-gathering. Of heavenly favor, higher understanding, holier covenants, eternal security, and everlasting glory! – Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “A Higher Joy,” Liahona (CR) May 2024

Positive Role Models

As a Church, we recognize that the gospel of Jesus Christ, with its saving truths and teachings, provides the most effective preventative and rehabilitative assistance in overcoming criminal behavior. Parents bear the first and greatest responsibility to teach their children principles of gospel living and good citizenship. There are, however, those who have little or […]

A Simple Message

I think most of us intuitively understand how important the fundamentals are. It is just that we sometimes get distracted by so many things that seem more enticing. Printed material, wide-ranging media sources, electronic tools and gadgets—all helpful if used properly—can become hurtful diversions or heartless chambers of isolation. Yet amidst the multitude of voices and choices, […]

Good Tidings… Peace

Peace and good tidings; good tidings and peace. These are among the ultimate blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings a troubled world and the troubled people who live in it, solutions to personal struggles and human sinfulness, a source of strength for days of weariness and hours of genuine despair. – Jeffrey R. […]

The Antitheses of Bad Things

The gospel, the glad tidings of great joy, is the true guide to mankind; and that man or woman is happiest and most content who lives nearest to its teachings, which are the antitheses of hatred, persecution, tyranny, domination, injustice—things which foster tribulation, destruction, and death throughout the world. What the sun in the heavenly […]