Christ’s Light

Christ’s light brings hope, happiness, and healing of any spiritual wound or ailment. Those who experience this refining influence become instruments in the hands of the Light of the World to give light to others. They will feel what King Lamoni felt: “This light had infused such joy into his soul, the cloud of darkness […]


The poet wrote: I met a stranger in the night, whose lamp had ceased to shine;I paused and let him light his lamp from mine.A tempest sprang up later on, and shook the world about,And when the wind was gone, my lamp was out.But back came to me the stranger—his lamp was glowing fine;He held […]

Our Daily Infusion

We need an ongoing, daily infusion of heavenly light. We need “times of refreshing.”10 Times of personal restoration. “Rolling waters” cannot long “remain impure.”11 To keep our thoughts and actions pure, we have to keep rolling! – Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Daily Restoration,” Liahona (CR) November 2021

Walk to the Edge

Truly the Lord encourages us to walk in faith to the edge of the light and beyond—into the unknown. After the trial of our faith, He once again shines the light ahead of us, and our journey of faith in every footstep continues. – M. Russell Ballard, “Faith in Every Footstep,” Ensign (CR) November 1996

Clear Sight

In our lives that are often filled with questions, worries, pressures, and opportunities, our Savior’s love for us individually and as His covenant children and also His teachings and laws are available daily resources that we can depend on to be a “light which shineth, … enlighten[ing our] eyes [and] quicken[ing our] understandings.”2 As we seek […]