A True Book

Who, having read [the Book of Mormon], can honestly refute its divine origin? Critics may try to explain it away. The harder they try the more plausible becomes the true account of its coming forth as a voice speaking from the dust. – Gordon B. Hinckley, “We Bear Witness of Him,” Ensign (CR) May 1998

Acquiring Truth

First, God is the source of eternal truth.11 Second, the Holy Ghost testifies of all truth.17 Third, prophets receive truth from God and share that truth with us.19 Finally, you and I play a crucial role in this process. God expects us to seek, recognize, and act on truth. – John C. Pingree, Jr., “Eternal Truth,” Liahona […]

Truth Is Not Relative

Many on earth today “are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.”5 Some would have us believe that truth is relative—that each person should determine for himself or herself what is true. Such a belief is but wishful thinking for those who mistakenly think they will not also be accountable […]