Compound Gears

I like to think of each of us as part of a compound gear as we serve together in the Church—in wards and branches, in quorums and auxiliaries. Just as gears combine to provide greater power in compound, we have greater power when we join together. As we unite to serve one another, we accomplish […]

Isms and Ites

In a world filled with contention and division, where civil discourse has been replaced with judgment and scorn, and friendships are defined by -isms and -ites, I have come to know that there is a clear, simple, and divine example we can look to for unity, love, and belonging. That example is Jesus Christ. I […]

Two-Way Words

Depending on what we choose to say about one another, our words will either have our “hearts knit together in unity,”2 as Alma taught those he baptized in the Waters of Mormon, or they will erode the love, trust, and goodwill that should exist among us. – Joni L. Koch, “Apart, but Still One,” Ensign (CR) […]


Unity does not require sameness, but it does require harmony. We can have our hearts knit together in love, be one in faith and doctrine, and still cheer for different teams, disagree on various political issues, debate about goals and the right way to achieve them, and many other such things. But we can never […]

Unity Enhances Growth

Unity with our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ grows as we heed the second commandment—inextricably connected to the first—to love others as ourselves.17 And I suppose an even more perfect unity would obtain among us if we followed the Savior’s higher and holier expression of this second commandment—to love one another not only […]

Unity Under One Name

We are too diverse and at times too discordant to be able to come together as one on any other basis or under any other name. Only in Jesus Christ can we truly become one. Becoming one in Christ happens one by one—we each begin with ourselves. – D. Todd Christofferson, “One in Christ,” Ensign […]


When I think of the concept of “lengthening our stride,” I, of course, apply it to myself as well as urging it upon the Church. The “lengthening of our stride” suggests urgency instead of hesitancy, “now,” instead of tomorrow; it suggests not only an acceleration, but efficiency. It suggests, too, that the whole body of […]