Idle Goodness

Happiness certainly does not come from just idle goodness. The Savior said, “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11.) He could have said, “He that is happiest among you shall be your servant.” Active service to others is serving God. – Eldred G. Smith, “Conference Report,” April 1949, Afternoon […]

The Antitheses of Bad Things

The gospel, the glad tidings of great joy, is the true guide to mankind; and that man or woman is happiest and most content who lives nearest to its teachings, which are the antitheses of hatred, persecution, tyranny, domination, injustice—things which foster tribulation, destruction, and death throughout the world. What the sun in the heavenly […]

You Can’t Experiment

You can’t experiment with everything-there isn’t enough time. There are thousands of things that could kill you, but you have only one life to lose. There are thousands of things that could destroy you mentally, morally, physically, spiritually. And not one of them is worth it. And so, profit by what has already been proved, […]

The Best Welfare Plan

God’s revealed plan for the caring of the unfortunate neither bankrupts nations, states, communities, churches nor individuals, but builds them up in faith and service to mankind. Love for God and love for neighbor will hasten the day when the King of kings shall rule and all men shall be equal. – Joseph L. Wirthlin, […]

Charity of the Soul

Love is manifest in charity of the soul. It is made up of many things, all of which lead to a high idealism in standards of living, personal behaviors, and purpose. It is expressed in Christ-like example, in words, in actions, in thoughtful attentions and kindly deeds. – Delbert L. Stapley, “Conference Report,” October 1970, […]