Elevated Parenting

Although our cultural backgrounds, parenting styles, and personal experiences may be valuable for parenting, these abilities are insufficient to help our children return to heaven. We need access to a more elevated “set of values and … practices,”5 a culture of both love and expectations, where we interact with our children “in a higher, holier way.”6 […]

Our Mark

He is our mark. If we incorrectly imagine that there is a need for something beyond what He offers, we deny or diminish the scope and power He can have in our lives. He has claimed the rights of mercy and extends that mercy to us.7 He is the ultimate “source [to whom we should] look […]

Always Our Hero

The hero—our hero, now and always—is Jesus Christ, and anything or anyone that distracts us from His teachings, as found in the scriptures and through the words of living prophets, can negatively impact our progress on the covenant path. – W. Christopher Waddell, “More Than a Hero,” Liahona (CR) November 2023

Are We Not All Prodigals?

Who among us has not departed from the path of holiness, foolishly thinking we could find more happiness going our own self-centered way? Who among us has not felt humbled, brokenhearted, and desperate for forgiveness and mercy? Perhaps some may even have wondered, “Is it even possible to go back? Will I be labeled forever, […]

A Brighter Day Awaits

For those of us in the Church striving to be peaceable followers of Christ, a brighter day awaits us as we focus on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Trials are a part of mortality and occur in everyone’s life throughout the world. – Quentin L. Cook, “Be Peaceable Followers of Christ,” Liahona (CR) November […]