A True Book

Who, having read [the Book of Mormon], can honestly refute its divine origin? Critics may try to explain it away. The harder they try the more plausible becomes the true account of its coming forth as a voice speaking from the dust. – Gordon B. Hinckley, “We Bear Witness of Him,” Ensign (CR) May 1998

Study and Healing

We call it “study,” and that’s good because it implies effort. But we don’t always need to learn some new fact. Sometimes reading the Book of Mormon is just about feeling connected to God today—nourishing the soul, being strengthened spiritually before heading out to face the world, or finding healing after a rough day out […]

Love, Share, and Invite

“Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth,” the Book of Mormon declares—to love, share, and invite32 as we gather Israel in all our communities and families—“that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, […]