Me, Me, Me!

In all the great modern discoveries in science, in the arts, and in all the material advancements of the age, the world says, “We’ve done it!” The individual says, “I’ve done it!” and gives no honor or credit to God. President Smith continues by saying, “One of the greatest sins of which the inhabitants of […]

Counting Versus Recounting

I have concluded that counting our blessings is far better than recounting our problems. No matter our situation, showing gratitude for our privileges is a unique, fast-acting, and long-lasting spiritual prescription. Simply stated, “In every thing give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). – Russell M. Nelson, “The Story Behind My Global Prayer of Gratitude,” Inspiration website, […]

Humble Gratitude

Be grateful for the gift and especially for the giver of the gift.20 True gratitude is the ability to humbly see, feel, and even receive love.21 Gratitude is a form of returning love to God. Recognize His hand, tell Him so, express your love to Him.22 As you come to truly know the Lord, you will find an […]

Prayers of Thanks

As we strive to make our prayers more meaningful, we should remember that “in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments” (D&C 59:21). Let me recommend that periodically you and I offer a prayer in […]

Continuous Gratitude

Are we continually grateful for the incomparable Atonement of Jesus Christ? Do we feel its purifying power, right now? That is why Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our salvation, went to Jerusalem, to save us all. Do these words in Alma strike a chord: “If ye have experienced a change of heart, and if […]