
We cannot be in camouflage. Our Christlike example of kindness, righteousness, happiness, and sincere love for all peoples can create not only a guiding beacon light for them but also an understanding that there is a safe harbor in the ordinances of salvation and exaltation of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. – Quentin L. […]

In Your Path

Over time, the Lord will put into your path those who are seeking the truth. He is the Good Shepherd. He knows His sheep, and they will know His voice, spoken through you, and they will follow Him (see John 10). – M. Russell Ballard, “The Essential Role of Member Missionary Work,” Ensign (CR) May 2003

Exhilarating Work

While enlarged information, experience and polish are important, at the same time, at most, these are but secondary. The outstanding feature of missionary work is the great exhilarating spiritual uplift, inspiration and ambition which it brings, combined with that stabilized character which it produces in the manhood and womanhood of the Church. – Richard R. […]